

2016-07-15 10:35






  说是有两种途径让动物们既可以在白天活动也可以在夜里活动,第一种是make light怎么的(忘了),给出的例子是fox有一种很特殊的layer 能借助月光看清东西。 第二种是 可以通过缩小眼睛的一个什么(eyes pupil不确定拼写对不对)瞳孔吧,例子还是FOX,可以调节瞳孔大小,来减少光的强度,所以他们还是可以在白天摄取食物。


  The professor talks about two types of suspense in a movie.

  The first type is that the audience feels interesting to guess the end. For example, two heroes set the same goal, but the audiences have no idea who comes first.

  The second type is that the audiences know the end but they have no clue how to get to the end. For example, in a love story, the hero and heroine doom to meet in the end, but how they meet each other becomes intriguing.


  Lecture: Small Business: drawbacks on home-based business

  For many small businesses, instead of renting, they prefer to work from home. Though working from home has its merits, a home-based business has some drawbacks.

  1) Can't Maintain a Professional Image

  People working in home-based businesses don't set a clear boundary between business and personal life. The customers may think they are not professional and serious about the business. For example, if a home-based business is a catering service that provides food for some major event, a customer would call and not expect a baby crying in the background. However, if it happened, the customer will for sure think that the business is not professional enough for their event and not trust the ability of the caterer to provide good-quality food.

  2) Will Affect the Lives of the Neighbors

  Use the catering example again, the business may hire two or more workers to help with the preparation of food. These workers may need to park their cars on the street, which would take up the neighbors' parking spots. Having their spots taken, the neighbors would definitely complain.

  Question: Describe the two drawbacks of home-based businesses.


  Ecosystem engineering: 动物住在一个地方,这个地方会变得适合其他动物生存。两种方式




  口语六:老师总希望得到feedback, feedback DE characters 1 focus on students 2. focus on 其他


  人类发明创造有2种可能:有目的性(intentional),无目的性(accidental)。有目的性的举例是发明一种眼镜,可以不用让人在看远距离和近距离的时候频繁换眼镜。无目的性的例子是X-RAY的发明,是某个科学家在实验室里发现的物体影像,进而应用于人体医学。 "


  Wetland's two benefits for animals.

  1). for nursery, sharks lay eggs in wetlands close to the ocean, because wetlands are shallow, there are not large predators, baby sharks can grow safely in the wetlands and survive in the ocean.

  作为孕育地。动物可以lay eggs or give birth, 直到它们的宝宝长大成熟。举例,一种鲨鱼在靠近海洋的湿地产卵,因为这里大动物少,可以减少被捕食者捕食的几率;

  2). for rest and find food. Immigrating birds, for example, paper, during the long journey of immigration, stop the wetlands to find the food because they can find similar food like before.

  question 6【讲课要点】two ways the animals use wetland。

  to rest and feed themselves. 举例,一种要cross美洲的migrate bird, 在长途迁徙的过程中需要休息或者觅食,这时候湿地发挥了很大的作用:在这里可以resting and setting,这里还有很多吃的,就跟它们平时吃的一样,所以很适合停留。


  讲课要点】:Two Economic Changes in Ancient Civilization

  1. Currency: this monetary form made life easier. For example, a man who bakes bread can now use money in exchange for a coat. Using money to trade can avoid the possible issue that the person who sells coats does not like bread.

  2. Trade new things over a greater distance. For example, Romans can import silk fabric from China.


  Lecture: Two Advantages of the Beta Testing Method in Business

  A beta test is an opportunity that gives the intended audience some samples to try the product out first.

  1) Get feedback from the customers

  The producer can get feedback from the customers who try the product. They will know which aspects of the product the customers like and don't like. A camera company, for example, may give some professional photographers new sample cameras to test out. After testing, the photographers may report, for example, that the flash doesn't work well because it produces too much light. The company will then know they need to work on the flash to make the overall product more desirable.

  2) Providing Free Advertising

  If the tested audience thinks the new product is satisfactory, it will leave a positive impression in their minds and they may tell others about the product. Even if it’s not a perfect product at first, the efforts taken by the company to improve it will convince the photographer customers that the new camera will be very good. They, in turn, will tell other photographer friends about the new product and encourage greater sales.



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