
[雅思提高]Favorite song: Heal the World_吉林新东方

2017-09-01 10:27


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

如果你是一位特别有情怀的、对世界充满爱的人,那么一定会喜欢下面这首歌:Heal the world.


于是,如此有深意的歌曲作为你的favorite song,会不会顿时让你的形象在考官眼里变得高大上了呢!


I’d like to talk about the song called Heal the World by Michael Jackson.

This song has been a hit ever since the day it was released almost 30 years ago.

He composed the song himself and expressed his wishes for world peace and turning the world to a better place, and he said that "Heal the World" is the song he was most proud to have created.

The song is about children, earth and love. We can see that from the lyrics he wrote. And there’s one particular sentence that truly touched me. It goes like ‘Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me, and for the entire human race’, which rhymes perfectly and has profound meanings.

The song started off with children’s laughter and cries, after knowing the background of the song, I couldn’t help thinking I could be the one who suffers from the war, especially when I saw the music video of the song which has a tremendous visual impact.

And when he sung this with the soothing melody, I could feel that the world is hopeful place. It let me realize only when the war ends can kids enjoy their childhood. So you see, this song is quite educational as well.   



hit = a person or thing that is very popular 例如:

The duo were a real hit in last year's show.    

a hit musical

The film was a hit for him in 2008.    

Her new series is a smash hit.


start off = to begin by doing or being something

Let's start off with some gentle exercises.    

We started off by introducing ourselves.


visual = of or connected with seeing or sight 例如:

I have a very good visual memory.    

The building makes a tremendous visual impact.    

dramatic visual effects

the visual arts

The photographs she takes are a visual record of her travels.


吉林新东方 国外考试中心 朱博


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