

2017-09-01 10:41


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

看到two people from the same family这个话题,我们的选择可以有很多哦,例如姐妹,可以参照大SS,例如夫妻,可以参照娱乐圈内的模范夫妻,例如父子,可以参考Will SmithJaden Smith,等等。这里举明星的例子只是想说明,只要两个人都比较有聊头,这道题简直就是送分题!因为平时都是两分钟介绍一个人,这次是两分钟聊两个人,还不简单么!



I’d like to talk about my cousins who are identical twins. Although they look exactly the same, they have completely different characteristics.

And it’s kind of weird you know, ‘cause both of their parents, I mean, my uncle and my aunt, are super nice people, and they say apple doesnt fall far from the tree, but that’s not the case in this family, one of the apples did fall far from the tree.

I mean, the older one is such a sweet boy. He’s only a high school student, but he’s so mature and thoughtful. For example, once when they were redecorating their apartment, he gave each of his neighbors a mini speaker. He explained to them, they could block out the noise using the speaker.

The other one, however, is really a pain the ass, a super troublemaker, to be exact. Breaking rules is his forte, and he always gets into trouble at school. He loves to pick a fight with others, and sometimes he could even be a bully. His parents are constantly called into the principal’s office. They really don’t know what to do with him.

So you see, it’s funny how twins that grow up under the same roof could have such contrasting personalities.


identical twins = either of two children or animals born from the same mother at the same time who have developed from a single egg. Identical twins are of the same sex and look very similar.


the apple doesn't fall/ never falls far from the tree = (saying) a child usually behaves in a similar way to his or her parent(s)


a pain the ass / neck = a person or thing that is very annoying


forte = a thing that somebody does particularly well 例如:

Languages were never my forte.


pick a fight/ quarrel (with somebody) = to deliberately start a fight or an argument with somebody 例如:

He had drunk too much and was ready to pick a fight with anyone who crossed his path.

bully = a person who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people 例如:

the school bully

Leave him alone, you big bully!


under one roof = under the same roof = in the same building or house 例如:

There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof.    

I don't think I can live under the same roof as you any longer.


contrasting = very different in style, color or attitude 例如:

bright, contrasting colors

The book explores contrasting views of the poet's early work.


吉林新东方 国外考试中心 朱博


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



  • 考研资讯
  • 四六级资讯
  • 雅思资讯
  • 托福资讯


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