2017-09-01 10:39
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
如果你玩儿微博,肯定不少看到各种“家用小妙招”之类的视频,或者题目为“一根皮筋儿的妙用”这类的短片,看完了不要随手关掉,想想怎么用英文讲给考官啊,因为这就是a wise solution的答案啊!如果你感觉太多专业术语或者不熟悉的词汇无法完整描述整个过程,那不妨直接找到一个国外短片,然后改述一下里面的内容就OK啦!
This topic reminds me of a video I watched online the other day. It was about a clever janitor in a school. The girls in that school love to leave lip prints on the mirror in the bathroom, so each and every day he had to stay late to wipe them off. So he visited the principal and asked for help. She posted a public announcement, but instead of helping, the announcement only drew more attention to this problem, and the number of prints doubled. So the janitor came up with a plan. He had the principal gather several suspects and bring them into the bathroom. There he told the students that they’ve been making things so difficult for him ‘cause every day he had to spend so much time cleaning up those marks that are greasy and hard to get off. And he showed them what he had to do every day to make the mirror spotless again.
He put on a pair of rubber gloves, and dipped a cloth into the water in a toilet, and then, started to wipe the mirrors with that damp cloth.
The girls were so shocked and disgusted to see this. I mean, they pressed their lips to the mirror every day, and just the thought that they were actually kissing the toilet made them wanna puke.
So you see, I’m sure those girls would never do that again. And his brilliant idea has helped him get the last laugh.
the other day = recently 例如:
I saw Jack the other day.
janitor = a person whose job is to take care of a building such as a school or a block of flats or an apartment building
wipe off = to remove dirt, liquid, etc. from something by using a cloth, your hand, etc. 例如:
She wiped off her make-up.
Wipe that stupid smile off your face.
Can you wipe the dirt off the windows?
come up with = to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc. 例如:
She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.
How soon can you come up with the money?
things = the general situation, as it affects somebody 例如:
Why do you make things so difficult for yourself?
Hi, Jane! How are things?
have the last laugh = to be successful when you were not expected to be, making your opponents look stupid
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