

2016-07-15 10:30



4. Which of the following activities do you prefer to do with friends. 1. taking a walk 2. going to a movie 3. traveling to another city

  I would say I like to travel with my friends. Since lots of cities in my home country are very unique and distinctive. Just taking a walk or going to movie with friends are just too boring, and they are not special enough for us to remember when we look back the day we spend together. By traveling with my friend to other cities, we got a chance to talk to the locals and get to know their culture, customs and way of living. By interacting with them we can broaden our horizon and have new perspective on different things. These experience will benefit us enormously in or future life, plus, we can also connect more with each other while traveling together.

  5. Science club, hiking club, which one are you interested in?

  Personally, I would like to choose to join the science club. To begin with, I bet there will be field trip to research centers and science labs. By going to the lab, I got a chance to use the lab equipment and apply theory in practice. It is very helpful for me to understand some theories since most of the time the things we learn in classrooms are very theoretical, and hard to understand. Also, by doing activities in the lab, I can be more creative and imaginative. Possibly, We can come up with lots of idea with regard of the theories, and make contribution to the technological advancement, and then it might be applied in the real world, thus benefits the entire human race.



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