

2016-07-15 10:30



13 生活方式:

  1.Do you prefer to live alone or live with others.

  Personally, I prefer to live alone. Actually, I am a very private person, most of the time, I keep things to myself. I would get distracted if I chose to live with others who I might not be familiar with. Actually, I am highly efficient when I do things without the disturbance of others, like when I study I feel more comfortable when nobody is around me. Plus, someone you are living with might have totally different habits and schedule when it comes to when to study or sleep or even watch TV. It would be really disruptive when one wants to study while the other prefers to watch TV.

  2. If your friend has unexpectedly received a large amount of money, what would you suggest him/her to do with the money and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

  Personally, I would advice my friend to make some wise investment, to begin with, the inflation in my home country is pretty serious, it doesn't make any sense to deposit the money in the bank. He should invest the money into buying some gold, real estate, cuz the real estate in my country maintains such a strong momentum, I bet he can make more money out of this. Additionally, he can also invest the money to assist lots of start-ups, and he should invest in several start-ups in different industries so as to avoid risk.

  3. Describe the most important decision you have ever made in your life and why it is important. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

  I would say the most important decision that I have made is to study abroad. I knew I would have lots of challenges, like cultural barrier, languages problems and stuff, however, I still think it is the right decision. I made lots of new friends who are from different cultural backgrounds, and by exchanging ideas with them, I learned their culture, language, customs, and even way of living, and I think that is very cool. For example, I learned they had different perspective on lots of issues, like, they respect more about a person's privacy, and people enjoy more personal freedom than people in my country.

  4. When things at home such as furniture are broken, do you prefer to have them repaired in a shop or fix them by yourself?

  Well, personally I prefer to get service in a shop. To begin with, most of the time, it is pretty tough to fix broken furniture, and it can be really time consuming. Like, for me, I am a college student who is busy with all kinds of assignments, like papers, presentations, and group projects and stuff, scarcely do I have time to fix things, and frankly speaking sometime, it is impossible for me to fix something without the help of professionals, like when my car breaks down, I don't even know what goes wrong and I don't have the tools, with which to fix that. So, based on these reasons, I will seek professionals for help.


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