2016-05-24 09:05
话题原文: 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 黄河(the Yellow River)为中国第二大长河,也是世界著名的长河之一。黄河流经九个省区,在中国北方蜿蜒流动。从髙空俯瞰,它非常像一个巨大的“几”字,又隐约像是我们民族那独一无二的图腾(totem)—龙。由于河流中段流经中国黄土高原(Loess Plateau)地区,因此夹带了大世的泥沙(sediment),所以它也被认为是世界上含沙量最多的河流。在中国历史上,黄河给人类文明带来很大的影响,是中华民族最主要的发祥地之一,因此中国人称其为“母亲河”。 参考译文: The Yellow River, the second longest river in China, is one of the most famous long rivers in the world. The Yellow River flows through nine provinces,meandering in northern China. Seen from the sky, it is much like a huge Chinese character “ji” (meaning a few), and it is also a bit like the unique totem of Chinese nation dragon. Since the middle part of the river flows through the Loess Plateauin China, a lot of sediment is carried away. Therefore, it is also considered as the river with the most sediment in the world. In Chinese history, the Yellow River has significant influence on human civilization and it's one of the most important birthplaces of the Chinese nation, so Chinese people call it the "Mother River". 1.黄河为中国第二大长河:可译为The Yellow River, thesecond longest river in China。首句译文通过使用主语的名词同位语结构,很好地表达了作为中国第二长河的黄河在世界上的位置。 2.在中国北方蜿蜒流动:此处可译为非谓语形式meanderingin northern China。 3.高空俯瞰:可译为seen from the sky,是过去分词结构作状语。 4.大量的:可译为a lot of, lots of, a great/large amount of, a great/large quantity of, plenty。 5.被称为:常见表达方法有be called, be known as或be referred as。 6.最主要:除了用the most important,还可用main来表达。 7.中华民族的发祥地:可译为birthplace of the Chinese nation。 |
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