2016-06-21 08:43
作者:吉林新东方 葛壮
【解析】It is not always the case, though. When you look at attitudes toward driverless cars, there doesn't seem to be a clear generational divide.
【解析】Older adults, especially those with limited mobility or difficulty driving on their own, are one of the classic use-cases for driverless cars.
【解析】Where a person lives matters, too. More people who lives in cities and suburbs said they wanted to try driverless cars than those who lived in rural areas.
【解析】,pre-industrial Europe, "you'd want to wake up early, start working with the sunrise, have a break to have the largest meal, and then you'd go back to work,"
【解析】"Meal are the foundation of the family,' says Carole Couniban. a professor at Millersville University in Peensylvania, "
【解析】With the long midday meal shrinking to whatever could be stuffed into a lunch bucket or bought at a food stand. Certainly, there were benefits.
【解析】Modern techniques for producing and shipping food led to greater variety and quantity, including a tremendous, increase in the amount of animal protein and dairy products available, making us more vigorous than our ancestors.
Contrary to popular belief, older people generally do not want to live with their children. Moreover, most adult children _____(27)every bit as much care and support to their aging parents as was the case in the "good old days", and roost older people do not feel __ ___(28).
About 80% of people 65 years and older have living children, and about 90% of them have _ ____(29)contact with their children. About 75% of elderly parents who don't go to nursing homes live within 30 minutes of at least one of their children.
However, __ ___(30)having contact with children does not guarantee happiness in old age. In fact, some research has found that people who are most involved with their families have the lowest spirits. This research may be __ ___(31), however, as ill health often makes older people more _ ____(32)and thereby increases contact with family members. So it is more likely that poor health, not just family involvement, __ ___(33)spirits.
Increasingly, researchers have begun to look at the quality of relationships, rather than at the frequency of contact, between the elderly and their children. If parents and children share interests and values and agree on childrearing practices and religious ___ __(34)they are likely to enjoy each other's company. Disagreements on such matters can ___ __(35)cause problems. If parents are angered by their daughter's divorce, dislike her new husband, and disapprove of how she is raising their grandchildren, ___ _(36)are that they are not going to enjoy her visits.
A.abandoned B.advanced C.biased D.chances
E.commitment F.dampens G.dependent H.distant
I.frequent J.fulfillment K.grant L.merely M.provide
N.understandably O.unrealistically
26. provide
解析:本空应该填一个谓语动词,备选项中符合条件的只有grant和provide,而grant是授予、承认,用在这里语义予不合逻辑,所以只能选provide。provide sth to sb 提供给某人某物,也可以说provide sb with sth.
27. abandoned
28. frequent
解析:从语法来看,本空仍然要填一个形容词,have____ contact with,结合语义应该用frequent。
29. merely
30. biased
31. dependent
解析:先利用语法知识,将答案锁定在形容词中,再看哪些形容词还没有被选过;再看空格之后的and thereby表结果;and thereby之后的内容是与增加与家人的交往;and之前应该是疾病使得老人变得没那么独立。这里形成了一套因果关系,因为疾病使老人变得需要依靠,从而增加了老人与家人的交流。
32. dampens
解析:根据语法这里需要一个谓语动词,而且是一个单三的动词,符合条件的只有dampens,而且dampens spirits 和上一句的have the lowest spirits形成了衔接。
33. commitment
解析:空格应该填个名词,religious commitment 宗教信仰,其他名词填写到这里不合符语义逻辑。
34. understandably
35. chances
解析:从语法角度来看,这里只能填写名词;且chances are that …… 是固定搭配,意为 ……是有可能的。
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