2017-09-01 10:25
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
对于“懒癌晚期患者”,自动扫地机器人简直是救星!说到“改变生活的发明”,它绝对是Top 5!对于事件类题目,gift又是常常考的话题,所以聪明的你可以尝试一下把他们两个联系起来!虽然这个故事很有可能讲的像是小学三年级作文,但是考官完全不care的,放心吧:
Well, the thing that has changed our life is my automatic vacuum cleaner.
My mom’s been complaining about her back a lot in the past few months, she said it always hurts so it’s becoming kind of hard for her to bend over and sweep the floor every day. So in order to make things easier for her, I ordered an automatic vacuum cleaner. And it cost me a lot, actually, I spent almost two months saving up for the money I needed. I didn’t tell her, ‘cause I wanted to give her a big surprise.
And it turned out I made a perfect purchase.
It’s got a round body, about this big, and has a bright red color, which looks quite smart.
At first, it was kind of “stupid” and “clumsy”, ‘cause it just kept bumping into furniture and sometimes it seemed to be lost.
But later, I realized it was quite intelligent, it seemed to have the ability to draw a map of our home, like it has kind of memory. So gradually, after working in my home for a while, it can follow a certain route, and get the work done much quicker.
My mom said, it was the best gift I’ve ever given her, ‘cause it’s been a real helper to her.
save (up) (for something) = to keep money instead of spending it, especially in order to buy a particular thing 例如:
I'm saving for a new bike.
We've been saving up to go to Australia.
clumsy = (of people and animals) moving or doing things in a very awkward way 例如:
I spilt your coffee. Sorry—that was clumsy of me.
His clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot.
bump into = to hit somebody or something by accident例如:
In the dark I bumped into a chair.
intelligent = (of a computer, program, etc.) able to store information and use it in new situations 例如:
intelligent software/ systems
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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