[雅思提高]Figure-skating 花样滑冰_吉林新东方
2017-09-01 10:09
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
I’m really into watching figure skating, I find that sport entertaining and relaxing. The athletes, it’s like they are dancing to the music, I mean, they cut patterns in the ice and do jumps and spins, so watching the game is just like watching an artistic performance.
When the players complete a skillful maneuver on the ice, all the audience would stand up and cheer for them, it’s just so exciting and enjoyable to look at.
This sport is really popular in my hometown, ‘cause winter here is so long that basically every kid knows how to skate. It’s our favorite pastime during winter. I fancy myself as an excellent skater, but I could never do those awesome movements in figure skating, like landing on the ice after a series of actions in the air. So I could tell from experience, this sport requires years of hard work and practice.
I still remember the first figure skating match I watched when I was little. It was … like, 10 years ago, my dad took me to a newly built ice rink to watch a game between our team and a team from a neighboring city. I don’t remember many details from that game, but I do remember the atmosphere in the audience. They were not like those crazy football fans who would paint their face and body with logos of their teams. That day, everyone just sat there quietly before the match, and enjoyed the ‘performance’ when the music started. So I guess that’s the beauty of figure skating. From that day, I just became fascinated by this sport.
The game was awesome, all the athletes were excellent and I have to say, it was really a feast for the eye. For me, the result is not that important, I mean, I don’t care at all who is the winner. To me, they are all winners. And I guess that’s the beauty of this sport.
maneuver = a movement performed with care and skill 例如:
a complicated / skillful maneuver
You will be asked to perform some standard maneuvers during your driving test.
pastime = something that you enjoy doing when you are not working = hobby
Like = used in very informal speech to show that what you are saying may not be exactly right but is nearly so
I'm leaving in like twenty minutes.
It's going to cost like a hundred dollars.
ice rink = a specially prepared flat surface of ice, where you can ice-skate; a building where there is an ice rink
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