2017-09-01 09:57
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
有关高薪职业,我们最容易想到什么doctor啦,或者lawyer什么的,如果最近你看了《我的前半生》,可能感觉“咨询”行业也是不错的工作哦,但是… 咱们貌似说不明白啊,所以,还是挑个咱们最熟悉的行业—“教师”聊聊吧。
Well, I guess I could be a qualified teacher with a decent payment.
First of all, I love to share what I know with others, and I think I have a pretty good command of both Chinese and English, so maybe one day I could become a Chinese teacher or English teacher.
Plus, I have a way with children, actually, not just children, I’m a people person, I’m confident with dealing with all those complicated stuff with parents and other fellow teachers.
I have what it takes to become an excellent teacher because I’m super patient, and I would never play favorites. On top of that, I have a good sense of humor, I know how to bring a boring class back to life.
And as to why I would be paid a lot for it, well, the main reason is that our country attaches great importance to education, they believe that the next generation is the future of our country, so they would invest a lot in this area, and they have given teachers a huge raise to keep them motivated and encourage more people to devote themselves in this career.
And parents are super generous when it comes to their children’s education. They are willing to pay a huge amount of money for the after school classes and tutors.
qualified = having passed the exams or completed the training that are necessary in order to do a particular job; having the experience to do a particular job 例如:
She's extremely well qualified for the job.
have a way with somebody/something = to be good at dealing with somebody/something 例如:
He has a way with small children.
She has a way with words (= is very good at expressing herself).
people person = a person who enjoys, and is good at, being with and talking to other people
have (got) what it takes = to have the qualities, ability, etc. needed to be successful
play favorites = to give preferable treatment to someone or something one likes or favors more than others. 例如:
The teacher is always playing favorites in class, letting the students she likes go home a little bit earlier than the rest.
As an MP, I promise not to play favorites with our public services.
on top of that = in addition to the things (usually bad things) already mentioned 例如:
We missed the bus, and on top of that it started raining.
bring somebody/something to life = to make somebody/ something more interesting or exciting 例如:
The new teacher really brought French to life for us.
Flowers can bring a dull room back to life.
attach great importance/weight/value to = to believe that something is important or worth thinking about 例如:
They attach great importance to the project.
I wouldn't attach too much weight to these findings.
when it comes to something / doing something = when it is a question of something 例如:
When it comes to getting things done, he's useless.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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