2017-09-01 09:49
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
I think the most brilliant invention in modern life that has dramatically changed our life is smart phones.
If I remember right, they were only invented about 10 years ago, when the Apple Company developed the first generation of iphone, but now they are playing an important part in everyone’s life, no matter old or young. It’s fair to say, it has become an indispensable part of our life.
The advent of smart phones has changed our lifestyle in so many ways.
For starters, it has made shopping and paying bills much more convenient and easier. In the past, we could only shop in physical stores or shop online with our computers, but now, we are able to order stuff wherever and whenever we want. And in China, our smart phone is just like an e-wallet, we don’t have to take a purse or wallet when we go out.
And it of course has changed the way we communicate with others. A decade ago, when we want to talk to somebody who’s far away, we can only reach them by calling or texting, but now there are so many other options. For example, leaving a message in one of those chatting apps, or interacting with them on the social networking websites.
I guess the only downside of this invention is that it can be a little bit addictive. People tend to spend so much time looking down at their cellphones, which might cause health problems, I guess.
the advent of something / somebody the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc. 例如:
the advent of new technology
reach somebody = to communicate with somebody, especially by telephone 例如:
Do you know where I can reach him?
downside = the disadvantages or less positive aspects of something
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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