[雅思提高]Bili Bili_吉林新东方
2017-09-01 09:27
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
每天看着A站B站的小朋友们,如此了解的网站如果不在考场上用出来,都对不起看视频花的流量啊!关于它们看视频可以发弹幕的这个特点,就能瞎掰呼出来一分钟,剩下的时间里还可以说说直播啦,跟其他网站作对比,夸夸up主的视频片源清晰啦,在有Wi-Fi的时候可以进行视频缓存到本地啦(download videos on your phone),所以在没有网的时候照样可以看视频啦(you can still watch them when there’s no Wi-Fi available),最后不要忘记客观的说一下该网站的缺点,就是,太浪费时间啦!好了,两分钟怎么也到了。
I’d like to talk about Bilibili, which is a video sharing website where viewers can post commentary subtitles on videos. We usually call them bullet subtitles. This is the key feature of the website. People love to watch videos on this website ‘cause it creates a chat room experience in which users feel like watching and playing together with others. And interestingly, sometimes the comments on screen are much more entertaining than the video itself.
Plus, those bullet comments are easy to post, we just need to write our thoughts in the type bar under the video, and the comments will show up on the screen, usually moving from right to left, but of course we could choose other mode. If we don’t want to be distracted by those comments, we can just turn it off.
At first, about 8 years ago, it only shared videos about anime, manga and video games, but with the fast growing number of visitors, the founders of this website decided to expand their functions. So now all kinds of high definition videos are available there, like videos about music, dancing, science, movie, drama, fashion, you name it.
And this website also provides/offers live broadcasting rooms where the host of the room is able to broadcast live and viewers could interact with the host. Usually the topic is about game strategy.
But the downside is, it can be a little bit addictive, I mean, sometimes I end up spending too much time on this website when I’m supposed to be working or studying.
definition = the quality of being clear and easy to see 例如:
The definition of the digital TV pictures is excellent.
you name it 例如:
Chairs, tables, cabinets—you name it, she makes it (= she makes anything you can imagine).
downside = the disadvantages or less positive aspects of something
end up = to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in 例如:
I ended up doing all the work myself.
If you go on like this you'll end up in prison.
If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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