[雅思考试]如何用“秦始皇统一中国”搞定雅思口语Part 2常见媒体类话题_吉林新东方
2017-06-20 16:11
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
纵观雅思口语Part 2媒体类题目,无非是电影、书籍小说故事、广告、音乐什么的,这些跟我们日常生活最贴近的话题,倒是不难应对,不过1月份的机经里又出现了这么一道奇葩的题目,让我们描述一个我国重要的历史事件!
我们先来回顾一下Part 2素材套用的一般原则,肯定是具体的题目素材往抽象的话题里套。“电影小说广告”这种没有具体限制的就是抽象题目,而“历史事件”就是具体话题。
其实由于对方是歪果仁,而且考官也默认Part 2素材不必完全大实话,哪个朝代哪任皇帝不重要,稍微改编杜撰都是在可接受范围内的,只要不把中国的历史编成权力的游戏就行。所以,大家一定要在选材上挑取好说的讲,不要把自己逼进死胡同。我们一定要避开所谓的“专业术语”,来给考官讲故事。所以这么一想,这道题目就没什么难度了不是么,毕竟看了那么多宫斗戏,套路也都该熟悉了。
I’d like to talk about the unification of China at the end of the Warring States period over 2000 years ago.
I’d like to talk about a movie/book that is about the unification of China at the end of the Warring States period over 2000 years ago.
然后开始介绍history background:
Back then, there were 7 major states in China, among which, the Qin State was the most powerful one. And the ruler whose name is Yingzheng launched a series of battles against other 6 states, and unified all of them.
This historical event has great historical significance. Yingzheng became the first emperor in the history of China and what he did was more than just unifying the territory, some of the remarkable measures he took have had a profound influence in Chinese history.
· performed far-reaching reforms
· built the Great Wall to defend his country against enemies, which has become a human wonder in the world
· standardized the units of measurements as well as the currency.
· unified the characters, which made communication in different areas possible
· invented a new road system (The width of the roads and vehicles were strictly regulated so that there wouldn’t be any “traffic jams”)
So that’s why I think this event is of monumental significance to our Chinese history.
如果是电影的话,我们不能光介绍故事,还得加入电影元素,例如impressive special effects and audio effects,great casting and awesome acting,精彩到had me on the edge of my seat the whole time等等。
如果是书籍,就扔几句专门描写书的加分表达,例如page-turner,grabbed me from the get-go,vivid description之类的。
如果是让我们描述想read again的书籍,我们还得加上想再看的理由,比如:
Every time I read it, I get something new and deeper insights. And it even puts my life into perspective.
It’s more than just a history book, I mean, it’s one of those stories that really grab me and get me thinking, what would I do if I were in that situation. So you see, it’s thought provoking and it’s fair to say, it’s the best book I’ve ever read.
如果让大家把这个素材编成广告,倒也不是不可以,电影里的植入式广告(product placement)很常见嘛,例如让秦始皇喝个Red Bull啥的。广告语都想好了,就是This is what you can achieve when you have chosen the right energy drink!
所以希望大家在备考Part 2的时候,脑洞大开,多多联想,早日屠鸭!
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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