[雅思考试]Part 1 Advertisement_吉林新东方
2017-06-20 15:43
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
阴魂不散的“广告”话题在五月份的Part 1机经里又出现了,什么也别说了,准备起来吧:
Are there many ads in your country?
What are the various places where we can see ads?
Do you often see some advertisements in the place where you live?
Yeah, definitely. We can see ads everywhere, like posters on the bus and on the walls of buildings, the billboards on the side of the road and when we watch TV shows, we always see TV commercials. Oh, and people would hand out flyers or booklets sometimes on the streets.
Why do you think there are so many ads now?
Well, the competition is fierce in every business. Every brand wants the public to know about and remember their features and service, you know, to get more attention from consumers, so that they could be more competitive in the market. So I guess that’s why ads are everywhere now.
How do you feel about advertisements?
Well, to be honest, the word I would use to describe ads is double-edged sword. I mean, sometimes there are just too many of them, which is a huge distraction that can affect our life. However, we could get some benefits from them. I have to say, some ads are informative, and entertaining.
How do you like advertisements on TV?
Generally, I can’t stand the commercials that pop up in the middle of a TV show. They are so annoying. And the worst part is, they always show up at the most critical point, which leaves you with a real cliffhanger, you know.
Do they encourage / persuade you to buy related products?
Yeah! All the time, especially when the ads are persuasive and entertaining. For example, once I bought a handbag, because the girl in the poster is just so gorgeous. And it made me believe that if I got the bag, I could be just as stunning.
How do you like ads on the Internet?
Well, they are designed for Internet users, so I guess they have more viewers than the commercials on TV do. And in general, they are more interesting and updated at a faster rate.
What do you think about the developing in advertising in China today?
Well, ads in China have changed dramatically during the last several years. Traditional media, like newspapers, radios and magazines have been partly replaced by the Internet. For example, in fashion business, the fashion bloggers have a huge influence on the taste of the public. And it’s fair to say, advertisers have got better taste today.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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