2017-06-20 15:41
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
(This neighbor is fictional and any resemblance to anyone else is unintended and is purely coincidental.)
Well, there’s this guy living next door who is drop-dead handsome. Sadly, I’d never had the chance to strike up a conversation with him.
But one day, I forgot my keys at home, so after school, I just stood outside of my apartment, playing with my phone, ‘cause at that time, my parents were still at work, I’d got nowhere else to go.
At this time, the handsome neighbor I just mentioned earlier came back. To my surprise, he recognized me, and after he realized what was happening, he even invited me to his place. I did not expect that, but I was thrilled, ‘cause you know, I finally got the chance to get to know him.
At first, he struck me as a quiet, indoor person, I mean, I’d never seen him talking to other neighbors, and sometimes he would just disappear for a few days, I just assumed that he stayed at home all this time. However, it turned out I was wrong, I saw a wall full of pictures he took from countless countries, so he’s not an indoor person at all, if anything, he’s a big fan of travelling. And he has really seen the world.
That day, I asked him a bunch of questions about the pictures he took. I have to say, he’s a person with a great taste. He’s not an artist, but the way he dresses and the style of his photos are just awesome.
And he shared his fascinating experiences along the road with me, which is truly an eye-opener.
So it’s fair to say, he’s such an interesting person.
那么,如此interesting的person我们一定want to know more about了是不!所以后面多说几句就变成了a person you met before and want to know more about的素材了:
So you see, he’s got an amazing life, and compared to his lifestyle, mine was so monotonous. I just want to tell myself, get a life, you know. So maybe that’s why I want to know more about him, he’s just an interesting person that I wanna be friends with.
this = used when you are telling a story or telling somebody about something 例如:
There was this strange man sitting next to me on the plane.
I’ve been getting these pains in my chest.
drop-dead = used before an adjective to emphasize that somebody / something is attractive in a very noticeable way 例如:
a drop-dead gorgeous Hollywood star
strike up something (with somebody) = to begin a friendship, a relationship, a conversation, etc. 例如:
He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers.
if anything = used to express an opinion about something, or after a negative statement to suggest that the opposite is true 例如:
She’s not thin—if anything she’s on the plump side.
eye-opener = an event, experience, etc. that is surprising and shows you something that you did not already know 例如:
Travelling around India was a real eye-opener for me.
monotonous = never changing and therefore boring 例如:
a monotonous voice/ diet/ routine
get a life = used to tell somebody to stop being boring and to do something more interesting 例如:
Do us all a favor… get a life!
be/make friends with somebody = to be / become a friend of somebody 例如:
We’ve been friends for years.
Simon finds it hard to make friends with other children.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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