[雅思考试]女神Taylor Swift_吉林新东方
2017-06-20 13:32
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
提到国外的歌手,很多人第一个想到的就是Taylor Swift,这位年轻多金又貌美的把男朋友都写进歌里的小才女。Taylor绝对是个励志的故事,具体的细节估计都能边吃边聊,考场上的两分钟又算什么!所以如果你是Taylor的死忠粉儿,是时候把女神请出来了!
I’d like to talk about Taylor Swift, who is a young, wealthy, famed American singer and composer/ songwriter.
I’m impressed by her creative music style, which moved me a lot. She can handle all types of music, I mean, she used to be a country music singer, but now she has stepped out of her comfort zone and become a pop singer. Some of her songs have a dreamy melody, which is relaxing and soothing. And other songs are cheerful, passionate, and have a strong beat.
And what’s amazing about her is that she wrote from her own experience which is pretty personal, but somehow you could relate to her songs. So I guess that’s why I’m so into her music.
It’s fair to say that she’s a superstar right now, but I knew from one of her interviews that her life hasn’t always been this easy.
When she was a little girl, she got teased a lot by those so-called ‘popular kids’, and everybody in her class called her a weirdo, ‘cause she was not a social person, all she did was sitting there, writing her songs.
I have to say, she was a tough girl, and she went through a lot. Fortunately, all her hard work finally paid off, and she made a huge difference.
That’s what I admire about her. She’s so single-minded and she never stopped pursuing her dream.
famed = very well known = renowned 例如:
Las Vegas, famed for its casinos
a famed poet and musician
comfort zone = a place or situation in which you feel safe or comfortable, especially when you choose to stay in this situation instead of trying to work harder or achieve more 例如:
Stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things can be a great experience.
I'll tell you what drives me crazy—people who have talent but cruise along in the comfort zone.
Relate to = to be able to understand and have sympathy with somebody/ something. = empathize with 例如:
Many adults can't relate to children.
Our product needs an image that people can relate to.
Weirdo = a person who looks strange and/ or behaves in a strange way 例如:
It's dangerous to be out on your own there are too many weirdos around.
Single-minded = only thinking about one particular aim or goal because you are determined to achieve something 例如:
She is very single-minded about her career.
Her perseverance has a great impact on me. Her story is so encouraging and inspiring. I mean, she’s not a quitter, even when the whole world was against her, she could still stick to her dream. So that spirit influenced me a lot.
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