2017-01-10 09:27
作者:吉林新东方 赵媛
今天我们一起来窥探一下雅思口语part 2人物类题目,看看有哪几个话题是可以合在一起说的,我们以A famous person in your country一题为例哈~ 走起~
这个问题是本季的新话题,对于a famous person 你可以说的东西很多,TV
celebrities 像各种当红小鲜肉,国民老公啊,小花旦,还有网红(A-list actress/
actor)之类的;也可以说Business celebrities,什么马云啊,王健林啊这类的土豪
们(a Chinese business magnate);奥运会刚过,那些哭着喊他是老公的奥运健将们也可以哦,马龙,张继科还有傅园慧也很受迎(the champion of the 25th Olympic games)。只要一他名字问题,别人能反出‘哦哦哦....那个谁,我知道’就可以。
The person That I’d like to talk is a well known and popular celebrity named Jin Xing.
She used to be one of the most famous and accomplished dancers in China, and she has won numerous awards in dancing. Almost everyone knows her. In present, she becomes a host of a talk show, and she is invited to be the guest or a judge of some talent shows. Well, the shows are more likely to have a high audience rate just because of her.
I think the reason why I want to talk about her is that she is totally unique. I mean, she used to be a male, but now she is a transsexual. She is so brave, confident and optimistic. Basically, I think it is pretty hard for the transsexual to be like her in China. Let me put it this way, Chinese people are kind of conventional and old school, for them, the transsexual are not acceptable. Therefore, you can imagine the stress they are under, I mean the discussion and the gossip behind them. Yet, Jin Xing uses her own faith and individuality to conquer the whole society, which makes herself loved and well-welcomed by the Chinese and finally has achieved her dreaming life. For now, she has got the happy life that she has pursued. She even got married and leading a normal life as us.
1. A person who has a great influence on you
2. A person you have met before and you want to know more about
3. A leader you admire
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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