

2017-01-10 09:05


作者:吉林新东方 赵媛

Hats帽子这道题应景不是新面孔了,上个季度(5-8月的新题)虽然不是重点考察的题目,出题概率比较小,大部分宝宝们都希望这次换题季删掉它删掉它,但是它还是坚强的活着并且将继续折磨我们。宝宝们觉得它难主要是因为我们日常生活中我们会谈论包包,衣服,鞋子,化妆品,但是很少会有人质疑帽子是什么牌子的,谁代言的。再退一万步说,喜欢戴帽子的人很少,更别提我们对帽子有什么特殊的想法了。作为一名口语老师,学生们一看到这个问题的内心活动就是什么鬼?这也能成为一个问题?有啥可说的,我,我,我都不戴帽子..... ”



1. Do you like to wear hats?

2. What kinds of hats do you have?

3. Where do you like to buy hats?

4. Is wearing hats popular in your country?

5. On what occasions do you wear hats?

6. When should people wear hats?


第一题 Do you like to wear hats?    喜不喜欢戴帽子,基本上口语考试都会用喜不喜欢开始一个话题,所以我们就凭个人爱好来选择喜欢还是不喜欢,两个方面来说哈~



Yeah,I can say that I am a little bit of fond of hats. In my view, wearing a hat is a perfect way to cover the fact that my hair is oily today. What’s more, it can make me stylish to some extent. So why not?



To be honest, I totally have no interest in hats, which will never show on the list of impulse spending. Let me put it this way, if I wear a hat, you can imagine the time I spend on setting hairs in the early minoring will turn to be in vain. So I am not a hat-lover.


第二题 What kinds of hats do you have? 问你有什么样的帽子,这时候你一定要知道一两个帽子的类型啦,有帽子的其实大家最长戴的就是以下几种:

太阳帽 sunhat

棒球帽 baseball cap

毛帽子 bobble hat

毛呢帽子 trilby


Well, give me a sec to recall, um, actually I am not a hat- collector, so I just have a sun hat, a baseball cap and a bobble hat. While the baseball cap is worn most often in my daily life.


Just as what I said,wearing a hat is not my style, so the fact is I have none. I treat it as a trouble, I have to pay attention on them in case of losing them moment by moment.


第三题Where do you like to buy hats? 在哪买帽子,其实我们买任何东西就是两个地方,一是商场,二是网上。在商场买东西,虽然贵一点,但是质量有保证啊,还有售后服务,最重要的是你可以随便试戴直到你找到适合自己的。

Shopping mall is always my top priority when I go shopping,you know, the quality  of commodities sold there can be guaranteed, even though the price a little bit high. The most important thing is I can try on to look for one fits me.


Unlike those people who tend to buy hats at shops, I prefer to have one online. As for me, online shopping is indispensable thing for me, the brand and style are much more than shopping mall. Additionally, I figure there is no worry about the quality, you can require to refund the substandard products immediately. 


第四题 Is wearing hats popular in your country? 这个问题很多宝宝就想说没啥感觉啊,要么就是不流行很少有人带。

Personally, I never reckon that it is prevailing in China. Hardly anybody surrounding me likes to wear it at least. So far, wearing hats is just well-received in the minority.


第五,六题On what occasions do you wear hats?  When should people wear hats? 大家发现没有就是在说什么时候戴帽子,前者范围比较小,后者范围比较大,我们就可以按照第一题的答案回答,没洗头的时候啊就要带。



吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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