[雅思口语]雅思口语考试-Celebrity -吉林新东方
2017-01-10 09:02
作者:吉林新东方 赵媛
celebrity 名人是本季度的新题,那到底celebrity分别指那些人呢?
celebrity:a famous person 也就是你可以说TV
celebrities 像各种当红小鲜肉,国民
老公啊,小花旦之类的;也可以说Business celebrities,什么马云啊,王健林啊这类的土豪们;奥运会刚过,那些哭哭喊着他是我老公的奥运健将们也可以哦,马龙,张继科还有傅园慧也很受迎。只要在中国,一提他名字问题,别人能反映出’哦哦哦....那个谁,我知道’ 就可以。
老规矩,我们还是先来分析一下机经问题哈~ 走起~
1. Who
is your favorite celebrity in China?
2. Do
you like any foreign celebrities?
3. Would
you want to be a celebrity in the future?
4. Do
you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?
5. How
do celebrities influence their fans in China?
第1,2 题本身的难度没有很大,基本上就是在问你最喜欢的中国名人,外国名人是
谁?这就要宝宝们具备基本的描述任务的能力,who?How you
know him or here?
Why you like him or here?感觉都点像part 2部分的人物题话题,但是难度就相对小
TV celebrity ( actor/ actress , singer )
XXX is one of the most popular actress/singer
XXX is A-list actress/ actor 一流演员
A-list 一流的
Tri-circle star 影视歌三栖明星:who is popular in
film,television,and song
XXX has played/ appeared in ~ 曾出演
XXX is set to guest star in 在~剧中客串了一把
the performance dazzled the crowd 表演让观众倾倒
Business celebrity
1. XXX,known professionally as XXX, is a Chinese business
magnate who is the founder and executive chairman of …,
a family of successful ….businesses.
2. In the latest rankings of the richest
people in China, XXX – founder
of one of the country's most famous retail brands – has
tumbled from 30 last year to 10.
3. 白手起家 build up from
nothing; start from scratch
4. 奋斗史 experienced decades of struggling
5. 做慈善 do charity work
Sports celebrity
1. the champion of the 25th Olympic
games 第25届奥运会冠军
2. He won the 2016 World Table Tennis
3. 运动员们要经过多年的训练才能参加比赛。
He trains very hard for many years in order
to be in the Olympics.
Athletes have been training for years to be
in the positions to take the race.
4. 国家队:china national team
5. 奥林匹克运动会: The Olympic games
6. 对手: rival , competitor
7. 激烈的竞争: fierce competition
after a fierce competition,he won the match 3-1
第3题 Would you want to be a
celebrity in the future? 想不想当明星,没有任何限制,抱有明星梦的宝宝们就可以畅所欲言了
Well actually,being a superstar is always my dream,you know,the most obvious benefit is earning
good money to buy me famous brands. In addition, it’s a
perfect opportunity to make more people know me. What’s
more, I can get close to my idol and cooperate with them if I was lucky.
Personal life is a luxury to celebrities,as we all know,paparazzi will always be around their workplace even home. What’s worse, the public will pay attention on their actions and
words moment by moment. The most
unacceptable thing is their busy life is what we can not imagine, tour and
lectures can be a frequent occurrence.
第4题.Do you think we should
protect famous people’s privacy?名人的隐私应不应
Of course,even though they are public
figures,they are still human beings who
have the right to privacy like us. As for me,
real fans should give them some
personal space. Only then can they perform
第5题.How do celebrities influence
their fans in China?
慈善,粉丝也会以他们idol 的名义捐款等等数不胜数。
personally speaking,celebrities,especially superstars,affect fans in all
walks of
life. When they brand some new products, fans
must own them without any reason
immediately. Plus, movie buffs go to a movie
just because their idols are in and so
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