[雅思口语]雅思口语考试-Accommodation -吉林新东方
2017-01-10 08:59
作者:吉林新东方 赵媛
这个单词有的同学可能还不认识,Accommodation is a place to live, work or stay in ,这里我们就指住处。提到住处我们能想到的都有什么? 住在哪里啊,环境怎么样啊?周围都有什么?想不想搬家啊? 如果你搬过家的话,现在住的和之前住的有什么不同么?等等诸如此类的问题...
1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
2. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
3. Do you plan to live there for a long time?
4. What's the difference between where you are living now and in the past?
5. Can you describe the place where you live?
6. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
7. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
8. Please describe the room you live in.
9. What parts of your home do you like the most?
10. Are you willing to live in the countryside in the future?
outside 外部环境
Location:City center = CBD(central business district)
Far away from the downtown
Living facility:supermarket/ shopping mall hospital/school/restaurant/bank / bus station
Traffic condition : Convenient/ poor transportation
Reach out in all directions 四通八达
inside 内部环境
Decoration : Simple style
Fine style
European Style
Parts:Living /dinning/ bed/ restroom
Balcony / study /cloakroom
Sofa, TV, king-sized bed, nightstands, study desk, wardrobe, dresser
这里要注意一点,当我们形容沙发,床或是家的时候我们就只会说舒服的comfortable一种,然后就没了,没了,没了! 现在360°无死角安利大家其他的表达方式,例如:
cozy sofa/ bedroom 舒适的沙发/房间
sweet/warm home 温馨的家
relaxing/free 放松的
lively 热闹的
1. What's the difference between where you are living now and in the past?
compared with
in / by contrast
As opposed to
原来住的地方留学校太远了,每天上学要花1个小时才能到,中间可能还要倒车shift=change the bus
位于:be located in和be situated on
located in the city…,surrounded by,including a living room
住几楼:on the 17th floor of our apartment building
倒车: shift ,change the bus
太远了: too far from = too long a distance
花时间:cost =take time =spend time doing
交通不便: be lack of transportation = inconvenient transport
卫生环境差:poor sanitation
由于出于:due to the fact that
位于郊区:in the outskirts of my hometown
2. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
house :
宽敞,私人:more spacious and private
不吵还不拥挤:less noisy to live in a house and people may not feel crowded
小区很安全:communities tend to be safer
虽然不大但是很舒服:not huge or posh, but cozy and warm
交通便利:convenient transport
离市区很近: near the city center
3. Are you willing to live in the countryside in the future?
1. 住在乡村空气好,没有空气污染
2. 没有噪声污染,在乡村住会很安静
3. 更宽敞的居住空间
1. 交通便利
2. 生活设施众多
3. 住的舒服
Advantage |
Disadvantage |
fresh air |
limited public service |
get close to the nature |
no easy access to service malls,restaurants,theaters and other entertainment,hospitals,schools |
privacy, space and quiet |
sample answer:
Sure, living there would be super cool. One of the biggest advantage of living in the rural areas (county) is
your own privacy and peace and quiet. You can hear the birds and wild animals and it sounds like the
pioneer days. You are in your own world. The privacy that you have is that nobody is around to tell you how
loud to play your music or how loud you can get. The country is very peaceful.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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