2016-04-15 15:50
作者:吉林新东方 赵媛
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教育背景:国外部口语教师,英语专业八级,商务英语高级, MTI(英语翻译硕士),第五届哈科会“北纬45度·创新论坛”翻译。 |
雅思口语part 2一直都是烤鸭们害怕面对的,话题不熟悉,没话说,怎么说基本上是每个考生的共同问题(高分伙伴请忽略~)。雅思口语有五大类,媒体类话题是雅思口语考试中非常高频的话题,并且也是学生有话说的话题,那么,今天带着大家一起分析下媒体类话题应该如何应对,希望各考生能够有所收获。
2.细节描述: 3.剧情:plot,leading role,supporting role,dubber 4.喜欢的原因:special effects,I Max,3D
5. 结尾句
As my favorite animated film, Zootopia is definitely the top choice for me to watch it in the When I got free time last holiday, like in March, everyone around me was talking about Zootopia which was no doubt the box-office hit and the hottest topic at the moment. After hearing so much about it, I decided to go to the cinema to appreciate it with the company of my bestie who happened to be a big fan of animals, and to my knowledge she had looked forward to it for a long time. A modern urban animals, all the animals in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on. It is like a melting pot, the animals here can exist peacefully —— whether it is an fox or a little rabbit, as long as you work hard can break some tricks. The film was truly interesting and adorable both on plot and animation figures. The whole story features a crew of police and a hard-working rabbit who want to find the missing animals. During the risky trip, we witness both the honesty and cruelty of the world, the bright and dark side of “human beings” in Zootopia. For an attracting movie like that, who really like animation wanna watch and get amazed again 以上就是为考生总结的一些关于雅思口语媒体类话题解析,希望能对各位烤鸭有所帮助。 |
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