

2016-04-15 15:18


作者:新东方 曹慧

吉林新东方 曹慧


教育背景:英语语言学硕士,英语专业八级,国际雕塑作品邀请展翻译,407分考取英语语言学专业硕士,托福110分,雅思8分。教学风格幽默,课堂气氛活跃,使学生们在轻松的课堂气氛中感受词汇的魅力。IELTS直通车冲6.5分班(强化6人) 点击报名




through = in term of
operate = manipulate
offspring = descendant
inevitable = dispensable
detail = specific
explain = interpret
obvious = conspicuous
hurt = vulnerable
use = employ/utilize
value = merit
provide = lend = offer
true = accurate
leading to = contribute to/ conduce to/result in
more and more = increasing/growing
hardly = merely = barely
well-known = outstanding
large = miraculous/marvelous
although = albeit/notwithstanding
in fact = actually/virtually
want = intend to/tend to/be inclined to
because = in that
may be = probably
to sum = to summarize/in conclusion
explain = interpret/illustrate
change = alert
chance = alternative
custom = convention/tradition
think = contemplate/muse/meditate/retrospect
arouse = ignite/stimulate/spur/motivate
limit = stress/hinder/hamper
key = crucial/vital/consequential
old = ancient
emphasis = accentuate
devote to = dedicate to
character = trait/individuality/idiosyncrasy/personality
expect = anticipate
join = participate
delegate = representative
bias = prejudice/discriminate/tendency
thrive = palmy/floushing/prosperity
clash = conflict/collision/rencounter
publicize = propagandize
agree partly = agree with reserve
proper = apposite
want to = desire
big city = metropolis
lawmaking = legislation
first = primarily
but = nonetheless/nevertheless
child = juvenile
absorb = assimilate
hand in = render
undermine = sap/enervate/debilitate
get into chaos = with chaos ensuing
key = pivot/crux
sway = vacillate
fanatic patriotism = jingoism/chauvinism
persusive = thorough/sound/specific/convincing
consider = take into account
vague = gratuitous/unwarranted/oversimplified

★ 高频形容词:
1. 贫穷的:Poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken
2. 富裕的:Rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off
3. 优秀的:Excellent = eminent = top = outstanding
4. 积极的、好的:Good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous
5. 消极的、不良的:Bad = detrimental = baneful =undesirable
6. 明显的:Obvious = apparent = evident =manifest
7. 健康的:Healthy = robust = sound = wholesome
8. 惊人的:Surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous
9. 美丽的:Beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching
10. 有活力的:Energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated
11. 流行的:Popular = prevailing = prevalent = pervasive
12. 重要的:Key = crucial = critical = important = significant = vital = substantial = indispensable = imperative
13. 有害的:Bad = baneful evil = harmful = detrimental
14. 有益的:Useful = helpful = beneficial = profitable = rewarding = advantageous
15. 明显的:Clear = obvious = evident = self-evident = manifest = apparent = crystal-clear

★ 高频副词:
1. 急剧地:Dramatically = drastically = sharply = hugely = enormously = steeply = substantially = considerably = significantly = markedly = surprisingly = strikingly = radically = remarkably = vastly = noticeably
2. 平稳地:Steadily = smoothly = slightly = slowly = marginally = gradually = moderately =mildly

★ 高频动词:
1. 提高、加强:Improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize
2. 引起:Cause = trigger = endanger
3. 解决:Solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with
4. 拆除:Destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate
5. 培养:Develop = cultivate = foster = nurture
6. 激发、鼓励:Encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur
7. 认为:Think = believe = insist = maintain = assert = conclude = deem = hold = argue = be convinced = be firmly convinced = be fully convinced
8. 完成:Complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve
9. 保留:Keep = preserve = retain = hold
10. 有害于:Destroy = impair =
undermine = jeopardize
11. 减轻:Ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten
12. 损害:Damage= hurt= injure= harm= impair= undermine= jeopardize
13. 给与:Give= offer= render= impart= provide= supply= afford
14. 保护:Protect = conserve = preserve
15. 确保:Assure = ensure = guarantee = pledge
16. 要求:Request = demand = needs = requisition
17. 宣称:Allege = assert = declare = claim
18. 展示:Show = reveal = illustrate = demonstrate = depict = present = represent = describe
19. 发生:Happen = occur = take place
20. 发展:Development = advance = progress
21. 影响:Influence = impact = effect
22. 消除:Eliminate = clear = remove = clear up = take away = smooth away 
23. 导致:Lead to = bring about = result in = cause = spark off = conduce to = procure = induce = generate
24. 波动:Fluctuate =go ups and downs =display a fluctuation =demonstrate a fluctuation
25. 使迷惑:Puzzle = bewilder = perplex = baffle
26. 占:Comprise = take up = account for = constitute = consist of = make up = occupy 27. 与…相比:Compared with =compared to =in comparison with =in comparison to =by comparison with =by comparison to
28. 对比而言:By contrast =in contrast =on the other hand =on the contrary= =conversely
29. 增长至:Grow to =rise to =increase to =go up to =climb to =ascend to =jump to =shoot to
30. 降低至:Dip to =fall to =decline to =decrease to =drop to =go down to =reduce to = slump to =descend to =sink to =slide to
31. 保持稳定:Level out =do not change =remain stable =remain still =remain steady =be stable =maintain the same level =remain unchanged =be still =remain the same level =stay constant =keep at the same level =level off =stabilize =keep its stability =even out

★ 高频名词:
1. 影响:Influence= impact
2. 危险:Danger = perils =hazards
3. 污染:Pollution = contamination
4. 人类:Human beings= mankind = humane race
5. 老人:Old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens
6. 幸福:Happiness = cheerfulness = well-being
7. 老师:Teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers
8. 教育:Education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing
9. 青少年:Young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents
10. 优点:Advantage = merits = superiority = virtue
11. 责任:Responsibility = obligation = duty = liability
12. 能力:Ability = capacity = power = skill
13. 职业:Job = career = employment = profession
14. 娱乐:Enjoyment = pastimes = recreation = entertainment
15. 孩子:Children = offspring = descendant = kid
16. 优势:Advantage = merit = virtue = benefit = upside = strength
17. 缺陷:Disadvantage = demerit = drawback = downside = weakness
18. 原因:Reason = factor = cause

★ 高频短语:
1. 充满了:Be filled with = be awash with = be inundate with = be saturated with
2. 努力:Struggle for = aspire after =
strive for = spare no efforts for
3. 从事:Embark on = take up = set about = go in for
4. 在当代:In contemporary society = in present-day society= in this day and age
5. 大量的:A host of = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of
6. 事实上:Practically = in practice = essentially = in essence = in reality = in effect = in fact = as a matter of fact = it is a fact that
7. 换言之:Namely = that is to say = in other words = to put it like this = to put it differently = to put it from another way = to put it from another angle


IELTS直通车冲6.5分班(强化6人) 点击报名


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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