

2016-07-15 10:10




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Society has created too many rules for young people.

  I disagree:

  1. Fewer and fewer families have rules for young kids.(Many children do not do simple housework. Some even do not say hello to their parents.)

  2. Young students constantly break rules at school. (Some disrupt classroom order intentionally. Others drink in dorms or smoke in washrooms. Few teachers stress the importance of behavior.)

  3. Many youngsters lack good manners in public places. (Bad habits such as littering are common. They are loud and unruly in restaurants and pubs. No rules make them respect senior citizens.)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The ability to maintain a small circle of close friends over a long period of time is more important for happiness than the ability to make new friends easily.

  Both are important:

  1. Old friends can offer effective help when we are in need.(老朋友更了解我们的情况,知道我们需要什么)

  2. New friends can broaden our horizons and teach us new things.(新朋友有不同的生活经历,也有不同的文化背景等)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers' salaries.

  I disagree

  Para.1: Currently, there is a widespread belief that increasing teacher’s salaries is the best way to improve the quality of the education in a country. From my perspective, however, it is an overstatement to claim so.

  Para.2: Admittedly, increasing teachers’ salaries may contribute to the improvement of education. 解释. However, to consider increasing teachers’ salaries to be the best way is a piece of overemphasis, for there exist other approaches, which are as good as, or even better than this one.

  Para.3: In the first place, schools should invest more on teaching facilities. 解释. 例子. 小结.

  Para.4: Furthermore, professional training should be arranged for teachers to improve their teaching ability. 解释. 例子. 小结.

  Para.5: In conclusion, …


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  • 考研资讯
  • 四六级资讯
  • 雅思资讯
  • 托福资讯


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