

2017-06-18 19:18


作者:吉林新东方国内考试部 刘质彬



News report 1

短篇新闻听力第一篇主题是人们对自动驾驶汽车的态度,全篇上来先阐述了有人觉得自动驾驶不安全,但还是有很多人对某些自动驾驶的功能很期待,然后借助调查数据进一步阐述人们的不同态度,有人认为传统由人驾驶的汽车更安全,而自动驾驶技术还不够成熟,不能令人放心,而另一方的代表John Nelson认为老司机们可能高估了自己的驾驶技术,在自动刹车、自动停车等技术慢慢成熟后,自动驾驶也许是更值得信赖的驾驶方式。

Q1What is the finding of the Triple A survey?

Q2What does John Nelson say about self driving car?

News report 2

短篇新闻听力第二篇主题是对艾迪塔罗德雪橇犬大赛中的狗狗的恶意袭击,整篇新闻都围绕对事件的发展在进行阐述,事件中袭击方是一些雪地摩托车的驾驶者(snowmobile drivers),首先是一位选手被不断地恐吓,然后一只狗狗被重伤,然后一位四次夺冠的冠军(Jeff King)也遭受了类似袭击,多狗受伤,一只3岁公狗死亡,尽管这样,两位参赛者还是决定要继续比赛,而凶手也已经被逮捕了。

Q3What is the news report mainly about?

Q4What do we learn about Jeff King?

News report 3


Q5What happened to the boat sailing off the N coast?

Q6How many people was the boat carrying?

Q7What do we know about the owner of the boat?


Conversation 1



第一题,问的是Susan会在哪里得到一份工作,原文中对应的信息是她在市中心的Big foreign accountant firm有第二轮面试。

第二题,问的是Susan未来的工作大概会包含什么内容,原文很简单很迅速地提到了工作内容只是daily input,该题容易因为错过而做错。

第三题,问的是为什么James希望得到这份工作,这道题比较简单,原文娓娓道来,原因是James需要那笔钱,以及他需要工作经历来丰富他的履历(I really need the money, and the experience would look good on my resume)。

第四题问的是为了面试James需要做什么事情,原文中对应信息是:review a few accountancy terms, maybe you can give me an practiced interview first.

Q8Where will Susan probably get a job?

Q9What will Susan’s future job involve?

Q10Why did James want the job in that company?

Q11What did James say he’ll have to do to prepare for the interview?

Conversation 2



第一题,问的是关男人对美国人的观点,文中男人认为美国人are terrible at technology skills.

第二题,问的是男人认为哪个国家的人在科技方面做的最好,男人认为Japan did the best.



Q12What does the man say about Americans?

Q13Who performs the best in technology skills according to the man?

Q14In what aspect did American college students perform well?

Q15What do we learn from the conversation about American high school education?


Passage 1



第一题,问的是从文中可以得知野生胡萝卜哪些信息,原文关于胡萝卜的概述是:carrots are native to central Asia/ the roots are white, small and skinny/ doctors used carrots’ seeds and roots as medicine/

第二题,问的是可以得知16世纪晚期的胡萝卜哪些信息,原文中直接回答这道题的信息是:cultivated large, strayed, sweet red carrots, like the ones we eat today

第三题,问的是两次世界大战为什么人们开始以胡萝卜为食,原文给的原因是:food shortages.

Q16What do we learn from the talk about wild carrots

Q17What does the speaker say about the carrots in the late 1500s

Q18Why did people turn to carrots for food during the world wars?

Passage 2



第一题,问的是Katherine由其喜欢Facebook的哪个便利,原文一开头就给出了两个她喜欢的Facebook的便利因素,分别是:She can stay connected with her family no matter how far away they were./ she didn’t have to think about times difference when updating family.

第二题,问的是当同学加Katherine时,她是什么感受,原文中对应的描述为:At first this didn’t bother her, she love to learning about the success of people she knew when she was just a teenager,

第三题,问的是后来是什么让Katherine感到不爽,原文中相应的关键信息为:Some people seem to be doing so much better than she does, she was also spending a lot of time on Facebook, it took a lot of time and energy.

Q19What was one particular convenience Katherine loved about Facebook?

Q20How did Katherine feel when her classmates added her as a Facebook friend?

Q21What made Katherine feel bad about herself later on?

Passage 3



第一题,问的是文中如何描述骡子,文中对于骡子的概述是:it is the child of the donkey and the horse/ mules have strong muscle like horses, but they eat less, can work longer and gentler like donkeys.

第二题,问关于所谓美国骡子产业之父的那头驴,我们可知什么信息,文中的描述可概括为:George Washington contacted the US ambassador in Spain, 1785 Spain send Washington a male donkey.

第三题,问的是农民们会在骡子日做什么事,原文给的答案比较清晰,本题难度不大:they bring the animals to market to show, buy and trade.

第四题问是什么让骡子在美国的需求变小了,这道题目也很简单,原文信息很明确给出了:tractors began to replace mules.

Q22What does the speaker say about mules?

Q23What do we learn about the donkey which is said to be the father of the US mule industry?

Q24What does farmers usually do on mule day in the 1840s?

Q25What made mules less in demand in America?



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