

2017-06-18 18:46


作者:吉林新东方国内考试部 伊海辉



六级翻译对于刚通过四级的考生来说的确有一个明显的台阶,无论词汇,语法方面都不容易翻译到恰如其分。这三篇的难易程度基本相当,讲述了中国的社会历史及其发展。第一句正是非限定性定语从句的体现,但注意语态,还有短语;,,,be described as,,,也是在明朝,,,七次。可以用强调句式。


 Ming Dynasty dominated China as long as 276 years, which was described as one of the greatest ages in orderly governance, social stability of the human history. During this period, the development of handicraft industry promoted market economy and urbanization. Plenty of goods, including wines and silks, were sold in the market. Meanwhile, lots of overseas goods, such as clock, tobacco, were imported. The largest business centers as Beijing, Nanjing,Yangzhou and Suzhou were continuously built. It was also in Ming Dynasty that the fleet which was led by Zhenghe had explored to Indian Ocean for as many as seven times. It is worth mentioning that three of the four Chinese Literature Famous Novels were written in that age.


此篇翻译稍难于其他两篇 ,众所周知,唐代在中国历史上无论经济,文化,农业,手工业等都是最鼎盛时期。特别注意;城市化---urbanization. 繁荣---prosperous


Tang Dynasty started from 618 year and ended at 907 year, which was the most splendid times.

Through 300 years development, China in Tang Dynasty became the most prosperous country, whose capital, Chang’an was the largest city all over the world. during this age, economy developed , business boomed, social order remained stable,even the border area was opened to the overseas. With the wealth increasing of the urbanization, art and literature were also prosperous. Libai and Dufu are famous as poets whose works are pithy and natural. The heart of scholars and the ordinary people is moved by their poems. Even nowadays, some of their poems are recited and read by children and adults.


 宋朝是中国经济,哲学,活字印刷的兴盛时代,难易程度与前一篇(Tang Dynasty),与平时练习的基本一致,定语从句无处不在,如第一句和第二句可以合并为一句话,设计出一个非限定性定语从句,也可以满足六级翻译的意译方法。另外,宋代的中国,,,,的国家可以用强调句式来完成以示重要,


Song Dynasty started from the year of 960 and lasted to the year 1279, during when China’s economy was largely increasing, becoming the most advanced economic community as well as science, technology, philosophy and mathematics were flourishing . It is China in Song Dynasty that is the first country to invent the paper money in the history of the world. it is also the earliest country to use dynamite and invent movable-type printing. With the rapid increase in population , more and more people lived in the city, where it has blustering recreations and the social life was various. Lots of people gathered together to watch and trade valuable artworks. The government system in Song Dynasty was also the most advanced. All the officials were elected to appoint by competitive examinations.        



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