

2016-12-20 08:39






Section A News Items(新闻听力材料)






1.     Why did John move out of the castle?

C. It wasdangerous to live in.

2.     What happened in Scotland last Wednesday?

A. A storm.

3.     What does the news reporter say about the miners?

D. Theywere strapped in an underground elevator.

4.     What did the rescue team do?

B. Theysent supplies to keep the miners warm.

5.     What is the US postal service planning to do?

C. Closesome of its post office. 

6. What measure has been planned to save costs?

D. Stoppingmail delivery on Saturdays.

7. What will happen when the proposed measure comes into effect?

D. Manypost office staff will lose their jobs.

Section B LongConversation(长对话)





8.     What will happen to the press operator who islate for work according to the woman?

A. He willlose part of his pay.

9.     What does the man say about John who stands bythe time clock?

B. He is atrustworthy guy.

10.  Why does the man suggest the woman see the workerwho was late?

C. She isbetter at handling such matters.

11.  What does the woman say about Jack Green?

A. He isalways trying to stir up trouble.

12.  What do foreigners generally think of BritishPeople according to the woman?


13.  What may British people typically do on a trainaccording to the man?

C. Theystay quiet.

14.  What does the man say about the Italian womanworking in Manchester?

B. She wasnever invited to a colleague’s home.

15.  Why do British people prefer houses to flats?

D. Housesprovide more privacy.

Section C Passage ( 短文听力)






16.  What does the speaker say about the college studentsapplying for a campus job?

A. Theywill automatically be given hiring priority.

17.  What can students do to find a campus jobaccording to the speaker?

A. Visitthe school careers service.

18.  What does the speaker say is a library monitorresponsibility?

C.Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere.

19.  Why have the tea farmers in Kenya decided to growpurple tea?

B. It maybe sold at a higher price.

20.  What do researchers say about the purple tea?

D. It ishealthier than green tea.

21.  What is Mr. Combara found about the purple tea?

A. It doesnot have a stable market.

22.  What does the speaker say about today’sconsumers?

C. Theyprefer unique object of high quality.

23.  What does the speaker say about good craftsmen inthe past?

B. Theycould only try to create at night.

24.  What do craftsmen help consumers do?

B. Makewise choices.

25.  Why do state art councils help sponsor local artsand crafts festival?

D. To boostthe local economy.







Job selection is a big issue for almostevery graduate. If asked to make a choice between starting up my own businessand searching a job elsewhere, I will definitely side with the latter one.

There are two main reasons for my choice. First,establishing a new business always requires a great deal of money; however,most graduates do not have the funding since they have just stepped out of theuniversity. If they desire the money, they have got to ask that from parents,which is a burden to the family. Second, if one wants to be a big potato in hisprofession, he or she must have abundant experience in the relevant field,which is not possessed by the majority of graduates.

Therefore, as a student who will graduatefrom university lacking funding and experience, I would choose to find a job tocollect the resources.


Job selection is a big issue for almostevery graduate. If asked to make a choice between a state- owned enterprise anda joint venture, I will definitely side with the latter one.

There are two main reasons for my choice. First,unlike state-owned business, the joint venture can provide an environment forme to meet more challenge and make increasing progress. The counterpart ofstate- owned business has a relatively comfortable circumstance with someroutines, which doesn’t seem attractive. Second, most joint ventures have sometechnologies and managerial ideas from other countries, which is relativelydifferent from that in China, bringing feelings of freshness to a graduate likeme.

In conclusion, due to the occupationpattern and working concept,I suppose the work in jointventure appears more suitable to me.


Job selection is a big issue for almostevery graduate. If asked to make a choice between finding a job and carrying onfurther study, I will definitely side with the former one.

There are two main reasons for my choice. First,compared with specialized knowledge, work experience seems more useful in workplace. Many graduates with advanced knowledge cannot adjust to the realisticworking circumstance due to lack of practical experience. Second, gettinginvolved in occupation can lessen families’ financial burden to cultivate a universitygraduate. Besides, attending jobs immediately after graduation doesn’t mean oneis deprived of the opportunity to acquire further study, since he or she canstill participate some vocational courses after work.

In conclusion, because of the significanceof working experience and the necessity for a graduate to make money, I willchoose to work after graduation.






此句是一个主谓宾结构的简单句,谓语动词代表可表达为symbolizestand forrepresent三者皆可,宾语是三个并列名词,好运可表达为good luck fortune. 长寿为longevity,幸福可表达为wellbeing; welfare 或常见的happiness.and as well as连接。

In Chineseculture, red usually symbolizes good luck, longevity and wellbeing.


第二句依然是个简单句,尤其要注意此处汉语是主动表被动的含义,主语的部分it指代前文出现过的红色体现句与句之间的衔接,其他喜庆场合表达为other festive occasions,其中festive是喜庆的意思。

It can be seeneverywhere at the Spring Festival and other festive occasions.



Sending cash as agift to family members or close friends, people tend to put it in a redenvelope.


前半句可使用大家比较熟悉的定语从句,但在表达在中国流行时,可用enjoy popularity, 主句谓语动词选用lie in, 后半部分把“相联系”名词化,处理成its association with the Chinese revolutionas well as the Communist Party

Another reason whyred enjoys popularity among Chinese lies in its association with the Chineserevolution as well as the Communist Party.


第五句依然是一个简单句主谓宾结构,“不总是”译为not necessarily, 此处的“代表好运和快乐”翻译为 represent fortune and happiness, 既避免和上文重复,又体现用词的多样性,由于第六句为原因,因此可整合成一句,用for连接,值得注意的是第六句汉语依然是主动表被动,因此要使用被动语态,并且注意第六句时态为一般过去时,之前可以用in the past 也可以用副词previously.

However, red doesnot necessarily represent good luck and happiness, for names of the dead werewritten in red previously.


此句与之前一句是因果关系,因此为表达句子之间的逻辑,需添加as a resultconsequently。从字面大家就可以判断出,须用被动语态表达,而“被视作”也是大家比较熟悉的表达 be seen as, 一种冒犯行为就用an offense表达即可。

As a result,writing Chinese names in red ink is seen as an offense.





第一句是个简单句的主谓宾结构,此句中主语许多年轻人许多用numerous youngsters来表达,谓语部分可以用have a preference for sth表达,时间状语“如今”recently

Due to China'sreform and opening up, numerous youngsters have a preference for Westernwedding recently.


前半句“穿着...”用be dressed in,后半句表原因,可用for连接,且从字面就可看出要用被动语态来表达。

The bride isdressed in white wedding dress, for white is considered a symbol of purity.


前半句是状语部分,直接译出即可,后半句我们可以发现颜色一词定语过长,此时需考虑后置定语,因此要译为the color often used in funeral

However, inChinese traditional culture, white is the color often used in funeral.


前半句“务必记住”无主语,谓语为记住,宾语为后面的内容,这样我们可以添加主语或者直接使用被动语态,此处选用被动语态来表达,但被动语态中主语过长,需使用it做形式主语,构成主语从句,“祝人康复的礼物”,采用后置定语来处理译为“a gift to wish for rehabilitation

Therefore, it hasto be born in mind that white flowers must not be used as a gift to wish forrehabilitation, especially not to the elderly or critically ill patients.


同样地,用similarly来表达,礼金译为cash gift, 但要注意此处汉语主动表被动,应该使用被动语态来表达, “不是...而是”用not...but, 还要注意的是第二次提及信封时可以用one来替代,避免重复。

Similarly, thecash gift can not be placed in a white envelope, but in a red one.






In Chineseculture, yellow is a color of great importance with a unique symbolic meaning.


第二句:“它象征统治者的权力和权威”可以译为一个介词短语“As a symbol of power and authority of the ruler ”第三句“在那时”指的就是在封建社会,可以进行整合,选择第三句作为句子的主干。第三句的后半部分“皇家宫殿全都漆成黄色,皇袍总是黄色的”整合成一个并列句写在一起,最后一个分句用while连接,与之前的内容形成对比,“被禁止做某事”译为:be prohibited from doing

As a symbol ofpower and authority of the ruler in feudal society, it was used by the emperorexclusively. The royal palace was painted yellow, and royal gowns were alwaysyellow, while ordinary people were prohibited from dressing in yellow.


第四句是一个简单句,“this color”指代上句的“黄色”,减少重复,“是...的象征”可以译为“a symbol of”,但和之前重复,因此此处选择动词symbolize来表达,避免重复且体现用词多样性

In China, thiscolor symbolizes the harvest as well.


When crops areripe in autumn, the field turns golden.

根据句意,前一个分句表时间,用when连接,when引导的句子是一个简单的系表结构:crops are ripe,后一个分句中,变得金黄用turns golden表达



People celebratethe harvest cheerfully.






26. [A] absorb

27. [C] contribute

28. [K] levels

29. [G] explore

30. [M] picture

31. [O] voyage

32. [B] combined

33. [E] emissions

34. [D] depth

35. [N] unsure


  be known to do sth, 由此可知第27题应该选动词原形,再根据后面的to, 故将答案锁定为contribute,contribute… to…意思为是……的原因,有助于;为……做贡献;为……捐款;为……撰稿。


  该句的前半句意思是海洋的表层(顶部)被研究得较为透彻,考生要谨记在做完形填空时,要做到上下文的对应,比对一下就可得知该空应该选择study的近义词,通观所有的选项, 故选explore。

  研究者搜集了150年的海洋温度数据, 目的是要清晰地比对现在与过去的变化趋势,故不难推测出要做图来进行比对, 因此该空的答案为picture。


  能与介词with搭配的形容词,通观所有的选项,只有combined,combined with意为结合, 该短语在句中做插入语。

  Fossil fuel为矿物燃料,燃烧矿物燃料排放出的废气会导致温室效应,故该空应该选择emissions。

  More than 700 meters是一个长度,再看前文,亦有提示----its depths, 故该空的答案为depth,at a depth of…意为在……的深度。

  35空应填入一个形容词, 再结合后面的宾语从句的引导词whether, 故将答案锁定为unsure, 要注意sure和unsure的宾语从句的引导词是不同的, sure的宾语从句引导词为that,unsure的宾语从句的引导词为whether, 类似的词语还有doubt,考生要注意区分。


36. [F] The author's experiment shows that students with a fixedmind-set believe having to work hard is an indication of low ability.

【答案】[F] As predicted, the students with agrowth mind-set felt that learning was more important goal than getting goodgrades. In addition, they held hard work in high regard, They understood thateven geniuses have to work hard. Confronted by a setback such as adisappointing test grade, students with a growth mind-set said they would studyharder or try a different strategy. The students who held a fixed mind-set,however, were concerned about looking smart with less regard for learning. Theyhad negative views of effort, believing that having to work hard was a sign oflow ability. They thought that a person with talent or intelligence did notneed to work hard to do well. Attributing a bad grade to their own lack ofability, those with a fixed mind-set said that would study less in the future,try never to take that subject again and consider cheating on future tests.

37. [C] Focusing on effort is effective in helping childrenovercome frustration and achieve success.

【答案】[C] In particular, attributing poorperformance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than does the beliefthat lack of effort is to blame. When I told a group of school children whodisplayed helpless behavior that a lack of effort led to their mistakes inmath, they learned to keep trying when the problems got tough. Another group ofhelpless children who were simply rewarded for their success on easier problemsdid not improve their ability to solve harm math problems. These experiments indicatedthat a focus on effort can help resolve helplessness and generate success.

38. [I] We can cultivate a growth mind-set in children bytelling success stories that emphasize hard work and love of learning.

【答案】[I] How do we transmit agrowth mind-set to our children? One way is by telling stories aboutachievements that result from hard work. For instance, talking aboutmathematical geniuses

  Who were more or less born thatway puts students in a fixed mind-set, but mathematicians who fell in love withmath and developed amazing skills produce a growth mind-set.

39. [B] Students' belief about the cause of their failureexplains their attitude towards setbacks.

40. [G] In the author's experiment, students with a growthmind-set showed greater perseverance in solving difficult mathproblems.

【答案】[G] Such different outlook had a dramaticimpact on performance. At the start of junior high, the math achievement testscores of the students with a growth mind-set were comparable to the those ofstudents who displayed a fixed mind-set. But as the work became more difficult,the students with a growth mind-set showed greater persistence. As a result,their math grades overtook those of the other students by the end of the firstsemester-and the gap between the two groups continued to widen during the twoyears we followed them.

41. [E] The author conducted an experiment to find out about theinfluence of students' mind-sets on math learning.

【答案】[E] We validated these expectations in astudy in which two other psychologists and I monitored 373 student for twoyears during the transition to junior high school, when the work gets more difficultand the grading more strict, to determine how their mind-sets might affecttheir math grades. At the beginning of seventh grade, we assessed the students'mind-sets by asking them to agree or disagree with statements such as"Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can't reallychange." We then assessed their beliefs about other aspects of learningand looked to see what happened to their grades.

42. [A] After falling again and again, most animals give uphope.

【答案】[A] I first began to investigate the basisof human motivation-and how people persevere after setbacks-as a psychologygraduate student at Yale University in the 1960s. Animal experiments bypsychologists at the University of Pennsylvania had shown that after repeatedfailures, most animals conclude that a situation is hopeless and beyond theircontrol. After such an experience an animal often remains passive even when itcan effect change-a state they called learned helplessness.

43. [J] Informing students about the brain as a learning machineis a good strategy to enhance their motivation for learning.

【答案】[J] In addition, parents and teachers canhelp children by providing explicit instruction regarding the mind as alearning machine, I designed an eight-session workshop for 91 students whosemath grades were declining in their first year of junior high. Forty-eight ofthe students received instruction in study skills only, whereas the othersattended a combination of study skills sessions and classes in which theylearned about the growth mind-set and how to apply it to schoolwork. In thegrowth mind-set classes, students read and discussed an article entitled “YouCan Grow Your Brain.” They were taught that the brain is like a muscle thatgets stronger with use and that learning prompts the brain to grow newconnections. From such instruction, many students began to see themselves asagents of their own brain development. Despite being unaware that there weretwo types of instruction, teachers reported significant motivational changes in27% of the children in the growth mind-set workshop as compared with only 9% ofstudents in the control group.

44. [D] People with a fixed mind-set believe that one'sintelligence is unchangeable.

【答案】[D] Later, I developed abroader theory of what separates the two general classes of learners-helplessversus mastery-oriented. I realized these different types of students not onlyexplain their failures differently, but they also hold different “theories” ofintelligence. The helpless ones believe intelligence is a fixed characteristic:you have only a certain amount, and that's that. I call this a "fixedmind-set(思维模式)."Mistakes crack theirself-confidence because they attribute errors to a lack of ability, which theyfeel powerless to change. They avoid challenges because challenges makemistakes more likely. The mastery-orient children, on the other hand, thinkintelligence is not fixed and can be developed through education and hard work.Such children believe challenges are energizing rather than intimidating (令人生畏);

  they offer opportunities tolearn. Students with such a growth mind-set were destined(注定)for great academic success and were quite likely to outperformtheir counterparts

45. [H] In the workplace, feedback may not be so welcome tomanagers with a fixed mind-set.

 【答案】[H] A fixed mind-set can also hinder communication and progress inthe workplace and discourage or ignore constructive criticism and advice.Research shows that managers who have a fixed mind-set are less likely to seekor welcome feedback from their employees than are managers with a growth mind-set.



46. [C] They were subject to taxation almost everywhere.

47. [B] They find it ever harder to cope with sugar-inducedhealth problems.

48. [A] It did not work out as well as was expected.

49. [D] Adjusting the physical composition of their products.

50. [A] There is no single easy quick solution to the problem.


51. [D] It affects models' health and safety.

52. [B] Government legislation about model's weight.

53. [C] It has great influence on numerous girls and women.

54. [B] It has now a new law to follow.

55. [D] It will have models with higher BMI.


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