2016-07-08 09:17
1.When heated, water changes into _______.
A.solid B.vapour C.liquid D.air
2.What she achieved in her research might _______ what she had been expecting.
A.exceed B.exclaim C.excess D.extend
3.It is _______ to anyone here that the department chairman has refused to support the new project.
A.factor B.false C.evident D.elastic
4.He _______ his father in appearance but not in height.
A.repeats B.looks C.resembles D.likes
5.Both O.J.Simpson and Jim Brown have been ______ as the greatest players in the history of football.
A.ranked B.recorded C.stocked D.stripped
6.The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train ______ from side to side and going faster and faster.
A.surrounding B.foregoing C.swaying D.frowning
7.This is a poem about _______ life in the American West.
A.bay B.chamber C.frank D.dozen
8.What they produced has no any _______ value. But it is very useful to their research.
A.filter B.fold C.partial D.commercial
9.When talking about Chinese culture, people often _______ its origin with the Yellow River.
A.worship B.vain C.reveal D.associate
10.As a chairman for nearly ten years, Professor Smith has never _______ to anything dishonest.
A.beard B.attached C.granted D.kept
11.The ---_______ between Chinese and Japanese is not so obvious so that it is not easy to distinguish between people from the two countries.
A.distinction B.equivalent C.index D.murder
12.When he caught a _______ of his girl-friend in the rain, Jack asked the taxi driver to stop to pick her up.
A.harbour B.kettle C.glimpse D.scale
13.He’ll always be _______ to you for what you’ve done.
A.peaceful B.secure C.grateful D.companion
参考答案:1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C
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