2016-05-26 09:06
听力材料: BBC news with Jerry Smit President Obama's topcounter-terrorism advisor John Brennan has giventhe most detailed explanation so far of America'suse of drone attacks to kill suspected terrorists. In aspeech in Washington, Mr Brennan said the strikesby unmanned aircraft were helping to win the waragainst Al Qaeda. Paul Adams reports. This is not the first time the Obama administration hasconfirmed the use of drone strikes, but Jone Brennan has gone further than anyone so far inlaying out the rationale for a policy that remains controversial. He said he had been told bythe president to be more open with the American people. He said drone strikes were legal,ethical, necessary and proportional, overseen with what he called extraordinary care andthoughtfulness, especially when the target was an American citizen. Al Qaeda was, he said,losing badly. For the first time since America's war on the organization began, Mr Brennan saidit was possible to envision a world in which the core of Al Qaeda was no longer relevant.Ukraine is coming under growing pressure from Europe over the treatment of the jailed formerprime minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Five European presidents have said they won't attend thesummit in Ukraine next month. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she might boycottfootball matches staged there during Euro 22. Mr Tymoshenk, a political rival of the currentUkrainian president, is serving 7 years in prison after being convicted of abuse of office. A ferryin India carrying about 350 people has capsized in the northeastern state of Assam. A policespokesman said at least 100 bodies have been recovered. More than 100 people are stillmissing. From Delhi, Sanjoy Majumder reports. The double-decker ferry which is packed tocapacity is said to have capsized following strong winds and rain on the Brahmaputra river inthe northeastern state of Assam. Eyewitnesses say many of the victimes were swept away bythe river's strong currents. Boats are common modern transport in the area which has dottedthe small islands and villages along the banks of the river. Many of the boats are overcrowdedwith poor and minimal safety features. Fighting has broken out between rival groups ofsoldiers in the capital of Mali a month after the president was toppled in a coup. Witnesses saidmembers of the presidential guard had clashed with troops loyal to the coup leaders. Gunfirewas heard at a bridge in Bamako and near the building that houses the Malian statebroadcaster. A spokesman for the coup leaders said the presidential guard was trying toreverse their take-over. A suicide attack on a police convoy in northeastern Nigeria has killed atleast 10 people and wounded more than a dozen others. Witnesses said the bomber on amotorbike rammed into a police vehicle in the town of Jalingo. A nearby market and thegovernment building were badly damaged. The Islamist militant group Boko Haram has beenblamed for a wave of killings across Nigeria. World news from the BBC. The president of FranceNicolas Sarkozy has said he'll sue a news website over allegations he asked the then Libyanleader Collonel Gaddafi to fund his 2007 election campaign. The media part website haspublished a letter apparently said by the former head of Libyan Intelligence, offering up to 66million dollars towards the campaign. Mr Sarkozy was furious. "This is a slur, a slur. When Ithink that there are journalists who dare give any credits to this - to Gaddafi's son, to thesecret services of Mr Gaddafi. It's a forgery". Thousands of people in the east of theDemocratic Republic of Congo have fled renewed clashes between the army and troops loyal toBosco Ntaganda, a renegade general who's wanted by the International Criminal Court.Hundreds of troops who support the general seized two towns in the region on Sunday. APeruvian policeman, who survived for 17 days in the jungle after escaping from clashes with left-wing rebels has been reunited with his family. Luis Astuquillca had been searching for a group ofhostages. Luis Astuquillca is only 22 years old, but already a hero in Peru. With a bandagehand, he got off a military plane, and then embraced his mother, sister and grandmother. Theyoung officer suffered bullet wounds during a mission to rescue 36 people who are kidnappedby the Shining Path rebels. No details are yet known about how he's survived for 17 days in thePeruvian jungle. One of the biggest matches of the English football season, the top-of-the-tableclash between Manchester City and Manchester United has ended in a 1-0 for City. The resultkeeps alive their hopes of a first league championship since 1968.
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