2016-04-15 14:19
考研英语阅读试题中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了解英美文化,掌握他们的表达方式,这就是阅读的潜台词。有时候是一些俗语和俚语,有时候是固定搭配,有时候需要借助历史、风俗、文化才能理解某种现象或表达。总之,这些地道的英语文章背后都有潜台词,一般人不容易读出,但往往是理解文章的关键。 2017考研复习开启,新东方网考研频道考研分享《2017考研英语阅读精选》,赶快来学习吧! Kobe scores 60 points in unbelievable farewell victory
科比谢幕演出!令人难以置信的60分表演! LOS ANGELES -- Kobe Bryant went out with a Hollywood ending to his remarkable career. 洛杉矶现场--科比·布莱恩特以一场好莱坞式的演出告别了自己成就非凡的20年职业生涯。 Bryant scored 60 points in his final NBA game Wednesday night, wrapping up 20 years in the NBA with an unbelievable offensive showcase in the Los Angeles Lakers’ 101-96 victory over the Utah Jazz. 科比独取60分,带领湖人队以101-96战胜了爵士队,以一场令人难以置信的得分表演告别了NBA。 He scored 23 points in the fourth quarter, posting his first 50-point game since February 2009 and rallying the Lakers from a 15-point deficit to win the final game of the worst season in franchise history. 科比第四节独得23分,助湖人队抹平了15分的分差,赢下了这个队史战绩最差赛季的收官战。这也是科比自2009年2月以来首次在单场比赛中拿下超过50分的得分。 With the entire Staples Center crowd standing, Bryant drained a 3-pointer with 59 seconds left. He hit another with 31 seconds to play, putting the Lakers ahead 97-96. He finished with an assist before checking out for good with 4.1 seconds left in just the Lakers’ 17th win of the worst season in franchise history. 比赛最后59秒时,在全部起立的观众面前,科比命中了一记3分。比赛还剩31秒时,科比的一记高位跳投将场上比分扳为97-96,助湖人取得领先。最后4.1秒,科比送出了一记助攻,随后被替换下场。本场比赛结束后,湖人队本赛季最终战绩为17胜65负,为队史最差。 Bryant played 42 minutes and took a career-high 50 shots to get there, his teammates attempting to set him up for shots on nearly every possession. He also had four assists and four rebounds in his highest-scoring performance since getting 61 against New York in 2009. 科比全场出战42分钟,出手次数为职业生涯最高的50次,队友几乎每个回合都试着给科比喂球。除此之外他还贡献了4次助攻和4个篮板。科比上次取下60以上的得分还是在2009年与纽约尼克斯的比赛中。 It was the fifth highest-scoring game of his career, and he became the oldest player to score 50 points in an NBA game. 本场比赛是科比职业生涯得分第五高的比赛,他也成为了NBA历史上取得50分以上得分的年龄最大的球员。 The entire night was a tribute to Bryant, who is retiring after 20 seasons, five championship rings and 18 All-Star selections with the Lakers, who honored him before and after the game. Bryant is just the fifth player in NBA history to play 20 seasons, and the first with just one team. 整晚的比赛就是一场对科比致敬的仪式。科比为湖人效力了20个赛季,获得了5枚总冠军戒指,18次入选全明星。湖人队在赛前和赛后都为科比举行了纪念活动。科比是NBA历史上第五位打满20个赛季的球员,同时也是第一个为一支球队效力20个赛季的球员。 Between the whistles, Bryant and his teammates conspired for one last omnivorous scoring performance by the third-leading scorer in NBA history. 科比的总得分在NBA历史上排行榜第三位。他和队友在赛中交流时筹划了自己最后一场全方位的得分表演。 Bryant briefly addressed the crowd after the game, expressing thanks for the fans’ support. 科比在赛后简短的发言中对球迷的支持表达了心中的谢意。 "I think the most important part is that we all stayed together throughout," Bryant said. "You’ll always be in my heart, and I sincerely, sincerely appreciate it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you guys." 科比说道:“我认为最重要的是一直以来大家团结一心。你们永远在我心中,真的,我真的非常感谢你们。这份谢意发自内心。我爱你们。” He also had a few laughs after finishing his 1,346th regular-season game with 33,643 points. 这是科比职业生涯所打的第1346场常规赛,常规赛总得分为33463分。赛后科比也开了几句玩笑。 "The thing that had me cracking up all night long is, I go through 20 years of everybody screaming to pass the ball," Bryant said with a grin. "And then the last night, they’re like, `Don’t pass it!" 科比咧嘴笑着说:“过去20年每个人都喊着要我传球。可是今晚每个人说的却是‘千万别传啊!’我简直快要崩溃了。” Bryant surpassed his previous career high of 47 shots, taken in a loss to Boston on Nov. 7, 2002. 科比今晚的出手次数创造了自己新的记录。2002年10月7日输给凯尔特人的比赛中,科比曾出手47次。 It was daylong tribute with thousands of fans thronging the downtown streets around Staples Center and chanting his name from early afternoon. Fans lucky enough to get inside Staples Center greeted him with ovations at every opportunity. Magic Johnson anchored a brief pregame tribute by calling Bryant "the biggest and greatest celebrity we’ve had in this town for 20 years" and "the greatest to wear the purple and gold." 纪念活动从白天便开始进行。科比的粉丝挤满了斯台普斯中心周围的街道,从下午开始便呼喊自己偶像的名字。有幸进入斯台普斯中心看球的球迷则抓住每次机会用热烈的欢呼为偶像打气。魔术师约翰逊在赛前主持了一个简短的纪念仪式,称科比为“20年来斯台普斯最伟大的球员”和“紫金第一人”。 After blowing kisses and pounding his heart before the game, Bryant got right to work on what the fans wanted to see. But he missed his first five shots before pump-faking and finally connecting on a jumper. 科比在献出飞吻和捶胸后,如球迷所盼开始投入比赛。可在真正进入状态前,科比的前五投全失。 Bryant found a rhythm then, finishing the first quarter with 15 points on 13 shots. He kept it up after sitting out the first six minutes of the second, finishing with 22 points despite missing a last-minute shot, his 20th of the first half. 随后他找到了节奏,第一节共出手13次得了15分。科比在第二节前6分钟在场下休息,本节重新上场后仅错失了一记压哨投篮。上半场科比共出手20次,得到22分。 The Lakers snapped a six-game skid in their final outing, but their demanding fans could forget about the awful season for one night. 湖人队此前遭遇了一波六连败,然而看到这样的表演,球迷们完全忘记了这个糟糕的赛季。 Trey Lyles scored 18 points and Gordon Hayward had 17 for the Jazz, who were eliminated from playoff contention shortly before tipoff by Houston’s win over the Sacramento Kings. They didn’t concede points, but Bryant’s persistence wore down their defense. 爵士队的特雷莱尔斯和戈登海沃德分别砍下18分和17分。此前火箭队战胜国王队,令爵士队彻底丧失了进入季后赛的希望。爵士队虽寸土必争,但科比却凭一己之力撕裂了他们的防线。 |
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