2016-04-06 08:55
Willow Branches 柳枝 Legend has it that Clear and Bright is one of three periods during the year in which ghosts come closest to the world of living men. Buddhists believe that willow branches will drive away unwelcome ghosts and evil spirits. Therefore, willow branches are also known as “ghost terror wood.” 有传说言,清明是三大鬼节之一,一年中鬼魂最接近人们的三个时间。佛教相信,柳条能有驱鬼辟邪的作用。因此,柳条也被称为“鬼怖木”。 Folk proverbs also dictate customs. One proverb states that if a young lady does not wear a willow branch during the Clear and Bright period, she will soon turn old. Another says: "If one does not wear a willow, he will become a yellow dog after he dies and is reincarnated." 民间的谚语也有此类习俗。有谚云:“清明不戴柳,红颜成白首”。亦有谚云:“清明不戴柳,死后变黄狗” |
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