
[雅思考试]Happy marriage_吉林新东方

2017-12-19 11:53


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

Happy couple这个题目给了烤鸭们无限的答题自由,可以把电视上看到的甜腻腻的情侣们搬到答案里了,或者娱乐圈里没事儿撒狗粮的模范夫妇也可以聊一聊啊,再不然把大家朋友圈里各种秀恩爱的couple请出来也是很方便的选择。总之,这对儿happy couple的所作所为和身世以及罗曼史,可以是东拼西凑的产物,千万别太实在,在备考的时候坐在小板凳上冥思苦想爷爷奶奶这么多年是怎么恩爱的……

只要说得通,根据常识把happy couple的日常描述一下就OK了:


I’d like to talk about my uncle and his wife.

We are pretty close and we hang out a lot, so I guess that’s how I know what a happy marriage they have.

They were high school sweethearts. And they had been going out for more than 10 years before they got married. I have to say, they are pretty compatible, I mean, they have a lot in common. For example, they are both into travelling. In the past several years, they’ve been to so many places together, like Thailand, Japan, Australia, Canada and other exotic places. And they love to post the pictures they took together from the trips on the social networking website. I always see their happy faces online.

Oh, and my uncle is an excellent cook, although he’s not a professional, the dishes he makes are out of this world. And what impresses me the most is that every morning, he would make various hearty breakfast for his wife. I’m so jealous of my aunt ‘cause I’m such a big foodie.

And surprisingly, according to my uncle, they’ve never had any argument in their married life. They are so tolerant toward each other, I’m sure that’s the key to their happy marriage.




go out (together) = go out with somebody = (especially of young people) to spend time with somebody and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them 例如:

Tom has been going out with Lucy for six weeks.    

How long have Tom and Lucy been going out together?


compatible = if two people are compatible, they can have a good relationship because they have similar ideas, interests, etc. 例如:

She found a compatible partner through a computer dating agency.


exotic = from or in another country, especially a tropical one; seeming exciting and unusual because it is connected with foreign countries 例如:

brightly-colored exotic flowers/ plants/ birds

She travels to all kinds of exotic locations all over the world.


out of this world = used to emphasize how good, beautiful, etc. something is 例如:

The meal was out of this world.


hearty = [only before noun] (of a meal or somebody's appetite) large; making you feel full 例如:

to have a hearty appetite



They are a perfect match for each other.

They are a match made in heaven.

They are really living up to their wedding vows.

They constantly show their affection for each other.

They’ve been married for over 20 years, but they are still like honeymooners / newly-weds. Every time I’m with them, I feel like a third wheel.

That’s the magic formula for their perfect marriage.


上面的每一句都可以具体的引出一段话,补充一下细节,例如They would hold hands in public places, and send each other gifts on festivals like Valentine’s Day. 之类的。





吉林新东方国外部老师 朱博




吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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