

2017-12-19 11:41


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

雅思口语Part 2要想把话说长,聊feeling讲故事是必须的,所以拿到a piece of furniture这么无聊的话题,我们要先想想这个家具跟我们有什么故事和渊源,在它们身上发生过什么值得一提的事情。或者回忆一下往届的物品类题目,比如家中老物件啦,都可以是我们可以下手的地方。这么一想,一件从小陪我们长大的某件家具,貌似可以一聊哦:


I’d like to talk about my closet in my bedroom.

It’s actually a normal wooden closet with a mirror fixed to it. And the main color is white, um… about this big (body language大概比划一下宽度) and a little bit taller than me.

What’s special about it is that it basically witnessed my growth from a child to a … well young lady. My mom bought this closet for me when I was little. Back then, it seemed really big, and my mom would mark my height on it every year. And it was just like my white board, I mean, I used to draw a lot of pictures on it. After I grew older, I started to have idols, like singers or actors, so I would paste their posters on my closet.

And after I went to middle school, I became more organized. I would paste my to-do list for the day next to the mirror, ‘cause every day I got dressed in front of it, it’s really convenient to have a look at the things I needed to do.

And interestingly, my closet also sees the change of my taste in fashion. I mean, I used to have those cute little princess dress in bright colors hanging in my closet, like pink or yellow. But now, when you open it, you could only see white, black and grey.

And … um, I have a weird habit, which is when I feel sad, I would look at myself in the mirror, somehow, it just calms me down, and makes me feel better.

So you see, this closet has been keeping me company for a long time, and it’s fair to say, it’s just like an old friend. That’s why I would take it with me whenever we move to a new apartment.




closet = a small room or a space in a wall with a door that reaches the floor, used for storing things 例如:

a walk-in closet


fix = (especially BrE) to put something firmly in a place so that it will not move例如:

to fix a shelf to the wall

to fix a post in the ground

(figurative) He noted every detail so as to fix the scene in his mind.


witness = to be the place, period, organization, etc. in which particular events take place 例如:

Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility.    

The retail trade is witnessing a sharp fall in sales.


keep somebody company = to stay with somebody so that they are not alone例如:

I'll keep you company while you're waiting.

吉林新东方国外部老师 朱博




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