

2017-04-02 10:58


作者:吉林新东方 朱博




Well, in my personal opinion, the most significant historical event is that Wu Zetian rose to power as the Chinese sovereign more than 1000 years ago. You might have heard this name, which is kind of a household name ‘cause she was the only female empress who officially ruled China for decades.

Her life story is a legendary one full of ups and downs. And I learned that from textbooks and various TV shows and movies. It’s hard to imagine how she managed to become the administrator of the court in that patriarchal society where men controlled everything. I mean, it’s almost humanly impossible. However, she was a miracle worker. She made her way from an emperor’s concubine to a Buddhist nun and then the empress of her husband’s ninth son and finally to the ruler of an empire.

She was a woman of great leadership and personal charisma. During her reign, her political achievements were remarkable.

The great importance to history of her period of political and military leadership is the major expansion of the territory, which made the country more powerful. She also had a monumental impact on education, literature and Buddhism.

Besides, her story has been a great inspiration for women and girls like me on a more personal level. I mean, she’s a living example of what women can achieve if you are determined and focused and willing to make necessary sacrifices.

So that’s why I think her reign is of great significance, not only to history but also to modern society.


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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