

2017-04-02 10:40


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

一般面对a time you were very busy这个话题,我都会建议烤鸭们把惨痛的高三或者初三搬出来,但是很多有了工作经验的人都会说,那段记忆因为太悲惨已经自动屏蔽掉了…… 而且上了班之后才感觉到学校是天堂!变成工作狗之后才知道什么叫dog-tired!如果有实习经历或者刚刚参加工作被无情的社会狂虐的烤鸭,我们就来哭诉一下这段人生吧:


The busiest time of my life was a couple of months ago when I was working in a newly established company in Shanghai. I was the product manager back then. Every day I had to check on the development of our products. Working overtime is commonplace for me. Sometimes I couldn’t get off work until 11 p.m. I had to deal with all the details, which was really exhausting and stressful.

And my daily schedule included visiting partners in other places of the city, you know, Shanghai is a huge city, and I always got stuck in the traffic when I went out. Doing business like this is usually time-consuming, ‘cause I was constantly held up by the traffic and ended up spending most of the time on the road.

On top of all that, there were countless meetings waiting for me, sometimes I had 2 or 3 meetings in a single day. My job was to communicate with people in technical department, and also my boss. And more often than not, we would have conflicts because of technical problems.

So you see, I was exhausted, both mentally and physically.

I had never been that busy in my entire life, I lost about 10 kilograms during that period of time. I had no time to exercise, so my physical condition was horrible.

I realized it was time to make a change, so I quit my job. And I thought maybe going back to school and getting a master’s degree is a better choice for me, so here I am.



check on somebody/something = to make sure that there is nothing wrong with somebody/ something. 例如:

I’ll just go and check on the children.


commonplace = an event, etc. that happens very often and is not unusual.

另外commonplace还有另外一个意思,类似于“老生常谈”(a remark, etc. that is not new or interesting),例如:

The speech was full of commonplace.


get off work = to leave work with permission


hold somebody/something up = to delay or block the movement or progress of somebody/ something, 例如:

An accident is holding up traffic.

My application was held up by the postal strike.


more often than not = usually; in a way that is typical of somebody/ something


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



  • 考研资讯
  • 四六级资讯
  • 雅思资讯
  • 托福资讯


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