2017-01-05 11:15
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
喜欢美剧《生活大爆炸》的娃们,肯定对Pictionary这个游戏不陌生。当年谢耳朵简直把同伙Lenard折磨的要死要活,他穷尽毕生的想象力也猜不到谢耳朵到底想要画些什么…… 我们完全可以用这样的素材,把故事移到自己身上,就说自己的partner跟谢耳朵是一个套路,完全走抽象派风格,完全猜不出画的是个啥。
Well, this topic reminds me of the time I played Pictionary with some of my friends the other day. Our theme was to guess the names of pop songs in China. Sadly, my partner is an abstract painter, when it was my turn to guess, he drew something like this. (此时你可以把它画在板子上,然后用笔边指着边解释,显得多么的真实和自然啊~) A circle and an arrow pointing to a heart. I was completely confused. I had no idea what that means, ‘cause my guess was that the circle might be a pancake or something, and the heart could mean that a feeling of like or fancy, probably? But I couldn’t think of any song that has something to do with ‘I want pancakes’ or things like that. I used up all of my imagination, I mean, I racked my brains trying to think of a proper answer but I just couldn’t. So I gave up. In the end, my partner told me, the right answer was the song Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin which means The Moon Represents My Heart in English. It’s a love song ‘cause we Chinese believe that the moon is really romantic and it shows how much a person loves another person. Anyway, he explained, the circle he drew stands for the moon and the arrow means the verb represent. I said, if you want to show me a moon, you should draw something like a half circle with a curve, like this one. (再次画给他看) Right? That could make things much easier for me.
So that was the time when I had to use my imagination.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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