2017-01-05 11:14
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
去过泰国玩耍的孩子肯定对那里的蛇药不陌生,先不评价它们的功效吧,无论你买还是不买,都得先看上一段人蛇表演还记得吧!表演者把小蛇从箱子里拎出来,然后小蛇就无辜的立在那里,一动不动几秒钟,之后表演者就开始用小棍子调戏小蛇,那叫一个惊心动魄。观众也被邀请跟小蛇互动拍照,还会抓着小蛇的脑袋让我们亲吻它的头…… 如果喜欢看新闻的娃肯定也听过一位中国游客在蛇馆被蛇咬伤的报道,毕竟人家是wild animal,被你强吻肯定不乐意啊……
说到这里,大家其实就可以清楚我们蛇馆的素材可以套用什么话题了,wild animal是妥妥的,当然还可以用在任何让我们描述unusual experience的话题里,毕竟如果不是成天爬高山钻小树林儿,见到蛇的概率不是那么大的……
Well, the first time I was close to wild animals was when I was travelling in Thailand earlier this year. You know, Thailand is famous for its snake products, so basically every travel agency would try to sell tourists some snake-related drugs, but our guide took us to see a snake show before they actually made the pitch, well, you know the drill. Anyway, that was the first time I saw living snakes that were not kept in cages, so it was pretty exciting.
The performer took one of the snakes out of a wooden box, and threw it on the floor. Once the snake landed on the floor, it just froze, I mean, it was like the snake was wondering, where am I and who the hell are these people, so it was actually quite funny. And later they would use a stick to tease the snake, which was really dangerous ‘cause it would open its mouth and show its teeth, although they were not poisonous. Um… the most thrilling part was that they would invite audience to interact with the snakes, and I got picked ‘cause I was sitting in the front row. The performer put the snake around my neck, like a scarf, and gave me a second to pose for the camera. The snake was so heavy, even though the performer was holding most of the body. And the texture of the skin was weird, I mean, it was different from anything I’d ever touched before. It was not as smooth as it looked. Anyway, it was quite an experience.
And there’s another thing I have to mention. When I got back, several weeks later, I heard a piece of news that a girl got bitten by the snake when the performer held the head of the snake and asked her to give it a kiss. She was seriously injured and bleeding heavily. Now I think about it, it was pretty scary.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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