2017-01-05 11:12
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
I’d like to talk about an App in my phone called Keep, which is a super useful App my friend recommended to me.
Um… My friend is a fitness freak who keeps talking about how much benefit he got from working out regularly. Over time, this activity started to grow on me. However, I don’t have too much time to work out in the gym, so this App is a real helper, I mean, it’s like a personal trainer that can make workout plans for me based on my age, gender, weight, height and my ultimate goals, for example, if I wanna lose weight, then I have plan A, but if I wanna reshape my body to make it sexier or muscular, I would have plan B, so you see, it’s really scientific.
Plus, it’s user-friendly. There’s a video to show you how to finish the movements every step of the way. And every day, after school, I just need to follow the instructions, and I would get enough exercise for the day. The best part is, after I finish the task, I would get a medal, and I can press a button to post the picture on my social networking website, that way, I could get a great sense of achievement. And speaking of social networking, this App serves the similar function as well. You could join a group in which there are people nearby who are using the same App to exercise. And you could send group messages to them to share experience or discuss the problems you have.
I’ve been using this App for a while now, and I could feel that my physical condition has gotten much better, that’s why I think this App is useful.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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