2017-01-05 11:10
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
I’d like to talk about the time when my friend got drunk and did something really stupid, which was extremely funny.
The other day, one of my friends got back from school in another city and came to my home to visit my parents. After dinner, my parents went out. After they left, we drank a lot of beer. And my friend got seriously drunk (wasted和hammered也有“烂醉”的意思。). We went upstairs to my room where I keep my dog. When he saw my dog, he ran to him and grabbed him in his arms, saying “Hey, how you doing, my brother?” And then, he started to kiss my dog on the mouth. My dog was totally taken aback, and I could tell from his facial expression that he didn’t like my friend that much. And that’s not over. After kissing my dog, he dragged me to the roof of the building, and shouted to the crowd down there, “Hey, you guys! Look at me, call me a beautiful female soldier.” I couldn’t hold it anymore and I just burst out laughing, although I felt a little embarrassed by him. At that time, my dog was still in his arms, and I could feel that my dog was laughing as well.
Now when I look back on this hilarious event, it could still crack me up.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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