

2017-01-05 11:09


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

好多迷恋NBA的娃都视James为偶像和终身奋斗目标,其实在考官那里听得最多的球星,不外乎KobeJordanJames,偶尔也会有迷妹们聊聊姚明。无论讲的是哪位传奇人物,用到的词汇多多少少都很相似,因为毕竟是讲他们的篮球生涯嘛。比方说开头的简介,都是a professional basketball player for the (Team) of the National Basketball Association (NBA). 在介绍获得奖项的时候,都可以说has won XX NBA championships and XX NBA Most Valuable Player Awards.“是美国最知名最具影响力的运动员之一”也可以按套路说成he has been ranked as one of America’s most influential and popular athletes.NBA得分王头衔”叫做NBA scoring title,“头号得分手”可以是leading scorer,“新人王”叫做NBA Rookie of the Year. NBA选秀”是NBA draft,常用的搭配是He was selected/chosen in the 2003 NBA draft by the (Team). “在他的带领下”有个固定搭配,就是under his leadership. 在介绍这种比较专业的人物的时候,难免会遇到不太会表达的固定用法,此时如果有足够的备考时间,不妨多去查查专业的表达,如果对面的考官跟你一样是某位球星的死忠粉儿,可能这种相见恨晚的共鸣会让你的考试体验high到爆。(不过不要对考官会因此给你加分抱有太大的幻想,评分标准里木有逗考官开心这一条……



I’d like to talk about Lebron James, who’s a legendary basketball player. He’s the captain of every basketball team he has ever been in.

Cleveland Cavaliers spotted him in the 2003 NBA draft, when he was still a high school student. And he won MVP twice during the next 7 years.

What I admire about him is that he’s got great leadership and organizational skills.

I remember in 2007, he was playing for Cleveland Cavaliers, in which there was no All-Star Player except himself. And his teammates were no better than those benchwarmers in NBA teams. However, under his leadership, they managed to beat all the strong teams in the East, like Boston, and compete with Spurs in the final game, he didn’t win the championship, though.

And in 2010, he moved to Miami Heat with another two All-Star Players in his team, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. And in the next 4 years, they went through to the final every year and won 2 championships.

In 2014, he moved back to Cleveland, his hometown, and last year, he helped his hometown win a first championship in the past 100 years.

What influenced me most is his spirit. Although he’s the most powerful player in NBA, he’s a giver. He would make necessary sacrifices for the benefit of the team. I think that’s what makes him a great player and leader.


    这个名人话题在Part 2的人物类别里面绝对万能,无论机经怎么变,肯定可以派上用场,所以如果你爱篮球爱NBA,那么不妨好好准备一位球员,毕竟介绍自己崇拜的人,肯定不会缺内容的哇


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