2017-01-05 11:06
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
有关a place in other countries you would like to work这道题,如果大家细想就会发现,哎呀,到底是让我讲我希望工作的公司?还是说因为那个地儿好,无论在哪个公司工作都无所谓的那种…… 其实,有一招就是两方面都说说,考官肯定就不会怪我们跑题了。
首先,可以先讲地点,很多孩子跟我讲,美国加州的阳光海滩比基尼,简直是个ideal place to work in,或者有着relaxed pace of life的北欧,也是个人间天堂啊!然后,再说说你呆在那里想做的工作,夸夸有关工作让你超级满意的地方。所以这么一看啊,这道题简直就是a foreign country you want to visit和a big company you are interested in或者a small business you want to have in the future的合体啊!
I’ve always wanted to work in XX (name of the company), which is situated in XX.
Well, if I could choose any place in the world, I would definitely work in XX.
关于这个location,我们可以从这个城市的环境和风景入手,是不是一个vibrant metropolitan city(富有活力的大都市),还是可以lead a tranquil life(平静生活)的安静小城,有没有various entertaining facilities(多样的娱乐设施),还是有着gorgeous natural scenery(美丽的自然风景)。还有那里的climate是否pleasant(比如一年里有半年都是寒冬的大东北就不是很pleasant,但是it’s like spring all year round的宝地就比较适合人类居住)。另外,我们可以说点儿“人文”方面的内容,例如locals非常hospitable(热情好客的),warm-hearted(热心肠的)等等,还有别忘了打动你的local food哇!咱们讲的可是foreign country哦!那个国家没几样拿手的好吃的!之前准备过的什么Japanese cuisine,Italian cuisine都可以拿出来用了。
Actually, it’s not just the city itself that is appealing, what also attracts me is XX whose headquarter is located in the city.
Actually, it’s not just the company that attracts me, the city in which it’s located also appeals to me.
公司的套路就更简单了,首先说你怎么知道这个公司的,再讲讲公司环境,硬件设施,企业文化,公司待遇,要是还不够,还记得那道creative leader么?一些形容词也可以往里砸!
I first heard of this company from XXX, and it left a deep impression on me.
First of all/ for starters, the working environment I saw in the picture/video impressed me a lot, I mean, the fancy/cozy/luxury interior design of the office building, those refreshing/attractive pot plants, and well-equipped game room/fitness center, everything! And I heard snack bars are available in every office, and they have comfy sofa and vending machine in the lounge, where employee could take a nap or have some light refreshments. All those facilities would make me feel at home.
除了上面的“套话”,还有更“套路”的,例如office rooms are spacious/roomy, facilities are modern/high-end/advanced. 啥啥啥的。
I was told the coworkers there are considerate and friendly/polite/professional.
The flexible working hours enable me to spend more quality time with my family.
The employee benefits are also tempting/inviting, like everyone could enjoy 2 weeks paid vacation a year, blah, blah, blah……
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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