

2017-01-05 11:05


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

有关interesting song这个话题,很多同学会突然想到最近很火的那个PPAPPen-Pineapple-Apple-Pe),这首无厘头的只有一分多钟的歌曲被传到YouTube后,莫名其妙的就火了起来(The song originated as a music video released on YouTube on 25 August 2016, and has since gone viral)。百度评价它有着上瘾的节奏(addictive melody),不知所云的歌词(lyrics that make no sense),还有滑稽的舞蹈动作(hilarious dance steps)。当然这么火的神曲也一定收录到了Wikipedia的词条,媒体(the media)对它的评价是“the new Gangnam Style”。Justin Bieber甚至还发了推,并指出这是他最喜欢的视频!(Justin Bieber shared the video on Twitter, captioning it as his “favorite video on the Internet”.)这首歌是日本的一位喜剧演员唱的,名字记了半天没记住…… 不过没关系,考官不会在意这些细节,如果实在没别的可说,歌词总归是英文的,我们配合MV里贱贱的动作,可以给考官来一段,这样就更直观的介绍了这首歌是多么的interesting了,而且还能占个十多秒钟,多好。



The interesting song I’d like to talk about is called Little Apple by Chopstick Brothers, which is a famous band in China, I’m sure you’ve heard of it ‘cause it has been played everywhere in every CD store/it has gone viral since it was first released two years ago. And it’s the most popular song for square dance. Chinese net-users call it a brainwashing song, ‘cause once you hear it, it would be hard to get the catchy melody out of your head.

I guess this song could become a hit overnight because of the following reasons. For starters, the lyrics are simple and funny/hilarious. It tells a love story. In the harvest season, a man gives a ripe apple to his beloved girl who doesn’t have a decent appearance. She is self-conscious about her look, but the man still loves her no matter what. But she couldn’t stand her face every time she looks at herself in the mirror, so she decided to use the plastic surgery to reshape her body and face, but things got worse. It is actually a heartbreaking story but we couldn’t get sad because of the cheerful melody. Whenever I listen to this song, I just couldn’t help dancing to it, and speaking of which, I have to mention the equally hilarious MV of the song. The dance in the music video is really easy to learn, and some of the movements are side-splitting. (And those dance steps are all used in the square dance by middle-aged people in China.)

And I heard some of the talented artists even translated this song into English version, you have to check it out online, I highly recommend it.




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