

2017-01-05 11:04


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

在雅思口语机经里面,有很多类似interestingmade you laugh这样的修饰词。很多孩子比较犯难,因为感觉如果自己给考官讲完了,但是考官表情冷冷毫无反应,岂不是很尴尬…… 大家其实多虑了,真实的情况可能是,如果你遇到了笑点奇低的考官,你说啥他都哈哈哈,但是如果你遇到了一张poker face,我们说啥也没法博他一笑。





I once saw a hilarious video on YouTube that really cracked me up.

Here’s what happened in the video clip:

A man who lives in the countryside found that it’s possible to tie his dog to the UAV and the machine could walk the dog for him. He was pretty proud about this idea, so he recorded the first time he did this on camera, and probably the last time, I’ll tell you why later, and actually that’s the funny part.

Anyway, at the beginning of the video, the man was lying on the deckchair comfortably, enjoying his favorite beer and pizza, talking to his audience. Later, his favorite dog showed up, walked by a flying UAV. The dog walked back and forth slowly for several times in front of the camera. The man thought it was not exciting/exhilarating enough, so he decided to turn up the speed, unexpectedly, after he switched the mode, the remote was out of control, and the UAV was flying faster and higher, and in the end, the puppy was lifted up to the air and flew away with the machine.

The man was desperate and kept calling his dog’s name while chasing after it. But I didn’t know what happened to the dog in the end, the camera didn’t catch it all. I just find this video funny but I really hope the dog is OK. 


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



  • 考研资讯
  • 四六级资讯
  • 雅思资讯
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