2017-01-05 10:59
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
作为资深网民,大家肯定不少见到日本爆出来的重口视频,很多人惊呼,他们真是have a strong stomach(to be able to see or do unpleasant things without feeling sick or upset)!想挑战一下重口的日本食谱么?那么就看看今天分享的素材吧……
这是一篇有味道的素材,第一次在微博上看到的时候,我完全震惊了…… 但是从来没有把它跟口语考试联系起来,直到有一天我请学生describe a special meal you would like to have,他用一道日本名菜,又重新勾起了我的记忆……
Spoiler alert,以下素材可能引发胃口不适,请勿在进食的时候阅读。
I’d like to talk about a dish in Japan. Usually, speaking of Japanese cuisine, we always think of sushi or sashimi, something like that, but what I’m going to talk about is totally different, and maybe it will blow your mind, ‘cause the main ingredient of the dish is freshly shitted human waste.
I first heard of it on Weibo, you know, the Chinese version of Twitter, and I was shocked! At first I thought it was just a twisted joke, but it turned out this kind of stuff really exists in Japan! And it’s not something that ordinary people could eat. According to the locals, you need to make a reservation at least half a year in advance. First, you need to pick a girl from a list, sign a contract with her, and decide which kind of flavor you want the poop to taste like, you can choose any flavor you want, let’s say, you prefer watermelon. From that day on, the girl you picked would eat vegetables, and only vegetables for two months, and after that, she would have to eat, and only eat watermelon three meals day. Half a year later, you and this girl would meet in a fancy restaurant. She would sit on a chair with a hole in the middle, and you can enjoy your “special meal” while it is still hot.
You might wonder what kind of freak would do something revolting / disgusting / ridiculous like that, and to be honest, I’m curious as well.
And another thing I have to mention is that this kind of dish is outrageously expensive. Believe it or not, they charge at least 500,000 RMB for one meal. So you see, it’s not like I’m going to eat it for real, I just want to try it to satisfy my curiosity.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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