2017-01-05 10:56
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
The great leader I’d like to talk about is Lang Ping, who’s the coach of our female national volleyball team.
Her outstanding leadership has helped our team win the championship in this year’s Olympic Games.
She’s my mom’s idol, and my mom just won’t stop talking about her after the game. And actually that’s how I got to know her.
I was told she used to be a volleyball player when she was young, and after she retired as an athlete, she became a coach because of her excellent skills, but from my point of view, what makes her successful is not just the skills, but also her determination. I mean, at some point in the match, especially when those two teams are equally strong, what keeps the team members hanging on in there is not the skill, but the spirit of not giving up, which I believe is the key factor to build up an unbeatable team.
And under her guidance, our team has achieved remarkable success. I watched the final game on TV with my mom, and I have to say, that game was the most thrilling one I’ve ever watched and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. During break, she told her players that she believed in them, and they could do whatever they put their mind to, and the whole team were uplifted by what she said.
I think she’s the best coach I’ve ever known.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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