

2017-01-05 10:51


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

很多烤鸭对“wild animal”话题无从下手,感觉如果真的是自己亲眼所见,貌似就没有机会坐在考官对面考试了。但是讲述在《动物世界》里看到的野生动物,貌似又缺少跟动物之间的互动环节。如果让我们瞎编去澳大利亚抱考拉抱袋鼠,如果不太会扯淡,好像除了“圆滚滚毛茸茸臭乎乎”,也没啥可形容的了,毕竟不是自己亲手抱的,所以这道题很是让我们纠结。

就在此时,本人碰巧在整理电脑时候突然发现了几张当年的旧照,立马就陷入了几年前与小狼群偶遇的回忆…… 然后意识到,这是可以发生在每位烤鸭身上的啊!高速路上就是可以有狼群出没的哇!于是就有了下面的素材。


I’d like to talk the first time I ran into a bunch of wild wolves. Actually, I’d seen wolves before but they were all kept in cages in the zoo, so that was quite an experience.

I remember it was about 4 years ago, when my friends and I were travelling on the freeway back from the Death Valley National Park, and you know, the freeway in America is quite different from ours in China. There were fewer cars running on the road, and that area was so arid that basically no plant could grow. So there was nothing that can block our line of sight. And suddenly, we saw a wolf standing, well, to be exact, sitting by the road. We were so surprised, ‘cause no one expected to see that. We slowed down and pulled over, so we could have a better look at the wolf. If we were right, it was a he, and he was so skinny, and the fur was a little bit dirty. I took out my phone and took a picture. The whole time, he didn't move at all, you know, he just sitting there, staring at us. And later, some of his friends joined him. They were all like a bag of bones. It seemed that they hadn’t eaten for days. We didn’t dare to feed them, plus, we didn’t know if it was allowed in the freeway to throw food out of the window, so we just drove off.

Now, although I changed my phone several times, I still have that picture of the wolf. It’s like a reminder of that usual experience.


    这次经历告诉我,没事儿的时候要多翻看一下过去的照片,有些经历不是遗忘了而只是想不起来了。所以,说不定你的相册里的某一张照片就对应着哪一道口语话题呢!例如“something or somebody that made you laugh”这道题,我们手机里有多少同学的丑照,是时候晒出来了!所以快快动起来,开始jog your memory吧(唤醒你的记忆)!


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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