

2017-01-05 10:46


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

在街上随便抓一位少年,估计都是一位mouse potato!没有ID,借个ID也要冲进网吧。所以开一家Internet café, 就像当初要开一家小卖部一样,成为了多少少年的梦想!把这个梦变成现实说进口语答案,也算是成全了自己的daydream。于是a small business you want to have in the future就可以编起来了。



I’m a huge fan of computer games, so my dream is to open an Internet café with my friends, that way we could make money on our hobby, which is the idealist lifestyle I could think of.

There are tons of Internet cafes in every city, but ours would definitely be different from those ordinary ones.

For starters, our receptionists in the front desk must be hotties. And also their service is impeccable, they need to welcome each guest with a huge smile on their face. All the customers would have a wonderful experience in our Internet café.

And I plan to open it near apartment buildings or gated communities, so the neighboring residents could be my regulars. And as a huge fan of science fiction, my plan is to decorate my Internet café into a place like the ones in the movie, I mean, there would be wallpaper in blue color, and ceiling lamps would be in the shape of spaceship, so when people step in, they would feel they have entered a different world.

And for the facilities, as the most important part of any Internet café, they must be the most advanced ones. It would be equipped with the most high-end computers, keyboards and earphones, which could provide a fabulous playing experience for my customers.




吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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