

2017-01-05 10:36


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

“公园”作为雅思口语Part 2地点类的常客,可以套用的素材真是不少。首先作为一个“具体的题目”,随便可以套在“抽象的题目”中去,例如a place where you go to relax, a place you often visit, an interesting public place in your city等等。所以搞定公园素材,就相当坐稳了地点类话题的半壁江山。更棒的是,这个公园更可以在事件类话题中发挥重要作用。凡是让我们讲一个开心的事儿之类的话题,都可以往“去公园”这件事情上靠。只不过在后面多讲讲自己都干啥了就可以。


在公园比较悠哉的活动就是支起个帐篷(tent),挂起个吊床(hammock),闭着眼睛晒太阳,听着鸟叫(the sound of birds singing)和树叶的沙沙声(the soft rustling of leaves/ the sound of the trees rustling in the breeze)。或者干脆躺在满地干枯的落叶上,抬头望天卖呆儿。



I’d like to talk about the time when my family and I went on an autumn outing during National Day.

Ever since I went off to college, I’ve hardly had any time to spend with my parents, although my university is not that far from my home, all of my spare time, even the weekends are occupied with all kinds of activities. So during the holiday on National Day, we decided to spend some quality time together, and we drove to a park so that we could go hiking or have a picnic.

We prepared lots of snacks and drinks, and also fruits, like apples and bananas, and things we bought from the deli. We also took a hammock with us so that we could hang it between the trees and have a rest.

Um… the park was gorgeous during autumn, there were no flowers, but the leaves on the trees were so stunning. Some of them already turned red or yellow, so walking in the woods was like a feast of colors. The best part was I got to lie back on the hammock, watching the azure sky and listening to the rustle of trees.

I couldn’t remember when was the last time that I had such a relaxing day with my parents, so it was quite memorable.  




吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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