
与wild animal的一次邂逅-吉林新东方

2017-01-05 10:31


作者:吉林新东方 朱博


“与wild animal的一次邂逅”其实已经不是新题,11年就考过a wild animal in your country,之后的几年也断断续续的出现过wild animal的影子,这个话题的难点就在于,动物园我们现在都很少去,更别提wild animal了!除了动物世界里可以看到野生动物,现实生活中基本接触不到这一群体!但是考官还非得逼我们讲一段经历,那么只能逼我们去旅行了…… 要不然就去非洲看狮子,或者就去长白山看傻狍子(Eastern Roe Deer),再不然就去峨眉山看猴子吧!


    I want to talk about the time when I saw a bunch of wild moneys.

That was during last summer vacation, my family and I went on a trip to Sichuan, which is located in the south of China and has a super popular tourist spot called E Mei Mountain. It’s a splendid mountain not only famous for the spectacular natural scenery, but also well known for the naughty monkeys living there.

Before we got to the resort, our guide told/warned us to watch out for them, ‘cause they constantly steal people’s stuff. Actually you won’t believe this until you see for yourself, ‘cause they are supposed to be cute and lovely right? You would never associate them with thieves. And I didn’t think they could be that smart, but it turned out I was wrong. They were agile and flexible, always showed up out of nowhere, grabbed your stuff and ran away.

We bought bananas at the foot of the mountain, thinking that we could feed them to the monkeys. However, when we got to the top, countless monkeys flocked to us, and before we knew it, all the bananas were gone. And what’s worse, they were so naughty. There was a girl wearing a short skirt in our group, and one of the monkeys went up to her, lifted the hemline of the skirt and ran away in a second. We were all shocked.

That was the first time ever that I was close to wild animals, and it was quite an experience (= unusual for me).



They are quite skillful when it comes to stealing stuff. I guess it’s their special way of showing hospitality and saying hello to visitors.

Although we got “robbed”, it was just so hard to stay angry with them, ‘cause those monkeys are so cute! They are fluffy with big sparkling eyes, small ears and super long tails to help keep their balance. The most interesting part is their butt, which is in the shape of a heart with red skin.

And there were also “civilized” ones who would beg for food. They would do something like this (body language), which cracked everybody up.


    我们再继续串一下,纵观一下机经,貌似interesting photo也可以扯上猴子耶!就把刚才讲的那些东西说进照片儿就行了呗,例如:

I’d like to talk about a picture I took with a monkey, in which the monkey was trying to steal my snack, and interestingly, that moment was just caught by the camera.

The picture was taken during last summer vacation when I was travelling in E Eei Mountain, which is a famous tourist spot in the south of China.

… (瞎说点儿之前准备好的)

I looked silly in that picture ‘cause I didn’t have any idea of what was happening. The monkey was reaching inside my bag for my bread, but I was smiling to the camera, which is so hilarious. And every time I see this picture, it would remind of the trip and all the fun I had.


如果你感觉第一个素材里,猴子掀起的是你的裙子或者你女朋友的裙子,那么是不是对应了“a time you got a little angry…… 那么开头就可以说:I’d like to talk about a time when I got angry with a bunch of monkeys, which I know sounds a little ridiculous, but just hear me out. Here’s the story. 然后就开始讲故事吧!


如果你还想继续串,其实也可以搞一下“advertisement”这个话题。大家肯定听过Wildaid(野生救援)这个非营利非政府的国际环保组织,即使没听过这个,你肯定熟悉他们家的口号:没有买卖就没有杀害(When the buying stops, the killing can too)!所以正好迎合一下wild animal这个话题,来搞个野生动物保护广告吧:


I’ve seen a public service advertisement which aims at appealing to people’s conscience and raising public awareness of protecting wild animals.

The advertisement is about a bunch of monkeys running around happily and interacting with people. Those monkeys are so cute! They are fluffy with big sparkling eyes, small ears and super long tails to help keep their balance. The most interesting part is their butt, which is in the shape of a heart with red skin.

They even pick apples from the tree and give them to people as a gift. Everybody is enjoying the harmonious atmosphere.

And later the camera zoomed in on one of the monkeys’ head, and just in 2 seconds, the monkey’s brain turned into a dish on the table. The scene was changed to a fancy restaurant where people were enjoying a hearty dinner.

The monkey’s brain is considered a high-end dish in China. People believe that eating the brain could make us smarter and live longer. So millions of monkeys are killed for their brain every year.

At the end of the advertisement, the slogan showed up, and it goes No Trading, No Killing, which means when the buying stops, the killing can too. (Nothing could justify their obnoxious behavior / outrageous behavior.)

I love this advertisement because it’s thought-provoking and it touched my heart, I mean, it gets people to reflect on our behavior, so that we could work together to stop this obnoxious behavior and create a better world.


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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