

2017-01-05 10:27


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

对于平时不关心“时事”的孩子们,“大公司”这个话题一出现,就引来了吐槽。我们在回答这道题的时候,首先就是把自己放到了“消费者”的角度,自己用什么产品,就喜欢什么公司,这也是为什么考官会听到很多烤鸭介绍Apple Company、老干妈的原因。还有一类孩子,平时爱好广泛,尤其是对某方面的领域颇有研究,于是他们可能就会讲述一些很炫酷的东西,例如特斯拉汽车公司啦什么的。总之,不要为了impress考官,讲一些自己不熟悉的话题,例如感觉google貌似很高大上,但其实自己从来没用过……



The big company I’d like to talk about is Walt Disney, which is an American diversified multinational mass media, but this company is best known for the products of its film studio, which is today’s one of the largest studios in the world. I’m a big fan of English animation and my childhood memory is filled with Disney cartoons, and those characters like Snow White, Cinderella and Winnie the Pooh were like my friends. So it’s fair to say, their animations not only have brought me laughter and joy, but also enriched the childhood of generations of people.

The Disney Studio is one of the world’s top studios, which has created various vivid cartoon characters, which left a deep impression on the audience. I like all the characters. Everyone has their own personality. Some are brave, some are timid, but they have one thing in common, which is optimistic and kind. That is what the Disney Company wants to convey and that’s why it appeals to me.

And another division, Walt Disney Parks and Resort is a magnet for all age groups, not just kids. I bet it is the most famous theme park and amusement park all around the globe. Teenagers and adults are also attracted by the thrilling roller coasters and other rides in Disney Adventure Park.

So I guess those are the reasons why I like this big company. 


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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